On Your Period: Jaden

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"Hey Alexis something's wrong with (y/n), she won't come out of her room to talk to me or Sy and she keeps saying something like 'I look goodin red but this is too much to deal with' do you know what she's talking about. Apparently we boys dont really understand what she's going through" Jaden asked and chomped into his sandwich,

Syrus face palmed and his his red face, in his hands he knew why you were saying and acting the way you were. Only cause Alexis was doing the same last week and Zane wouldn't stop going on about it

"Oh...wow, well I guess you being you wouldn't know about girls being on their period huh?" Alexis said with a slightly smug look on her face, Jaden blinked a couple times utterly confused at the foreign word. Alexis started to explain it to Jaden who grew gradually redder the more she said

"Okay, okay! I get it I know what it is now and I'm going to go and cheer her up!" Jaden shouted jumping up and running off to get a few things before running back to the red dorms, once there he chapped a couple times before walking into your room, you were laying on you back on your bed with an annoyed look on your face.

"Hey look" Jaden said you sighed and looked over to see him standing there arms full, he was holding flowers, and chocolate, video games, movies basically everything you loved oh and of course the thing you loved the most out of it all....himself.

"Jay? What are you..." You started but he just kissed you then pulled you into his now empty arms

"so what do ya wanna do first?" he asked changing the subject you smiled getting at what he was trying to do and cuddled into him,

"well I guess I just wanna cuddle first" you said and thats exactly what you did.

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