He Saves You: Yami

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''Come now my sweet turtle dove you know you want to sing for me'' Marik cooed lifting your chin you growled and stubbornly turned away from him this disgusting bastard had just kidnapped you like it was nothing and now he was acting all nicey, nicey just to hear you sing, ugh this guy was smitten over you and it made you feel sick, ''now, now is that how you treat your future Pharaoh and your future husband my dear queen?'' he cooed again he did not just say that? Oh that's it that's the last straw!

''Shut up Marik! There is no way in hell you will ever become Pharaoh and there is no way I will ever be your queen both those privileges are Yami's and his only so don't go trying to get all sickingly sweet with me because it will not work you fiend!'' you snapped, Marik gave you a bored look and sat the guitar he brought next to you then walked out and locked the cell behind him before turning to you with his millennium rod in his hand

''you will sing or am I gonna have to make you sing?'' he asked as a pain coursed through your head making you grip it from the sudden pain, you were praying that Yami was on his way but how could he find you if he didn't know where you were? Wait that was it Marik's wish would help Yami find you! You picked up the guitar and started to play it your voice echoing through the cell Marik stopped using his rod with a satisfied smile.

Nightcore: When Your Gone- Original by Avril Lavigne

Just as you were finished singing you felt someone pull you into a tight hug taking you by surprise, you were about hit them thinking that it was Marik but then their scent hit you and you relaxed,

''I'm so glad I found you my queen, are you alright? he didn't hurt you did he?'' Yami's voice asked gently into your ear you shook your head and gripped his shirt tightly as you hugged him back, you noticed that Marik was knocked out behind Yami but you heard no signs of a duel meaning Yami straight up punched him or something like that.

''I missed you, my Pharaoh'' you whispered looking up to him with a little smile which he returned and picked you up in his strong arms ''Y...Yami I can walk on my own you know I....'' you started flustered but he just kissed you deeply and cut you off.

''Shut up and let me carry my queen home, after all she deserves only the best'' he said smirking slightly at your red face, you sighed and gently smacked his arm before resting your head in his chest with a smile

''haha whatever Pharaoh, have it your way'' you whispered as you let him carry you back home.

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