Watching You Dual/Feelings: Yusei

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"Yusei, Yusei, Yuseiiiiiiiiiiii!" Rally shouted as he ran into the room, Yusei looked up from his dual runner

"what's up Rally?" He asked, Rally ran over to him and yanked on his jacket sleeve pulling him up and making him follow him "Rally where are we going?" Yusei shouted,

"hurry up Yusei! Jack's here and he was saying he was going to put you away for good in the facility" Rally shouted as they were running

"what?!" Yusei growled "where is that little......" He started before Rally cut him off

"he's duelling (y/n)! When Jack said that, she suddenly got really angry she told Jack to shut the hell up and that if he won against her in a dual he could take her instead. And that if she wins he should let you both go and he'll leave sattelite for good. I've never seen (y/n) so angry and she was so dead set on trying to protect you!" Rally shouted, the sounds of dual runners could be heard in the background.

"She....she want?!" Yusei exclaimed with his face turning red, not from all the running but from hearing that you cared about him enough to risk your own freedom,

"listen Yusei I know you like her and not just in a friend way, you have a major crush on her. You have to tell her soon otherwise someone might take her from you. Look we're here!" Rally panted as they finally reached the area where the two runners were racing in circles with dual monsters following close behind.

"Red Dragon Archfiend attack her directly" Jack shouted

"(Y/n) look out!" yusei shouted, you heard his voice,

"Yusei?! Nrg I activate the trap mirror force! This automatically destroys all monsters on your field in attack mode so say goodbye to your dragon! Now that's done its my turn so I draw!" You shouted, you looked to your card and smiled.

"Heh you thought you had won Jack, but your wrong I will not let you hurt Yusei and your not getting to me either the only way that will happen is if you can beat this!" You shouted as you summoned two monsters onto your field "come on out, Light Petit Dragon and Magna Drago!"

"What a tuner monster! How did you get one of them?!" Jack shouted you avoided eye contact, that was one story you didn't feel like sharing.

"I tune my Magna Drago to my Light Petite Dragon in order to syncro summon my favorite monster! Icy Storm Dragon! Let's rev it up buddy!" You shouted as your dragon appeared, just as it did your shoulder began to burn again "arg....not again" you whispered.

"(Y/n)! What's wrong are you alright!" You heard Yusei shout he seemed worried, the thought of that made you blush

"Go Icy Storm Dragon, attack Jack directly and finish this!" You shouted as your dragon won the dual you stopped your runner and got off holding onto your still stinging shoulder, you felt yourself stumble a little off balance and fall forwards luckily Yusei caught you.

"(Y/n)?! Are you alright?!" he shouted you looked up to him and smiled with a blush covering your cheeks. Yep you had fallen in love with Yusei, that's why you wanted to protect him at all costs, you knew summoning your dragon would make that mark appear again, that weird red glowing mark that appeared on your shoulder after you got Icy Storm but if it was for Yusei you didn't care about the pain,

"I'm good but I don't think I can take us back on my dual runner, I'm.......uh too tiered" you half lied I mean yeah you were tiered but the truth was your shoulder was stopping you from driving. Yusei looked around and noticed Rally was gone, probably to tell the other guys what happened,

"come on I'll take you back to my place so you can rest, I'll drive your racer you just have to hang on" he said as he placed you on the back of your runner and got on in front of you. You both put the helmets on then you wrapped your arms around his waist blushing at the contact, of course he was maddly blushing too but you didn't know that.

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