Confessions: Yugi

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"Yami I don't think I can do this" you whispered as you looked at your clothes, you were wearing a cute (f/c) dress and your hair was slightly curled at the ends, why were you all dressed up? Well Yami had told you that it was time you told Yugi that you liked him.

So after you got changed Yami curled your hair for you and started telling you that you just had to work up the courage and tell him straight out that you liked him, of course it was easier said than done but you knew it was the best way,

"don't worry about it (y/n) I can assure you that he has the same feelings for you that you have for him, all you have to do is just say to him. 'Yugi I like you' see nothing hard about that right?" Yami asked you looked to your dress again then gave Yami a 'really?' Look.

"Yami you say its not so hard but trust me its a lot harder actually saying that straight out, I know Yugi won't laugh at me or anything like that but still, what if it ruins our friendship?" You said concerned Yami just smiled gently and pet your head,

"don't worry about that, like I said he likes you in the same way if anything he'll blush like crazy before telling you that he likes you back. You've trusted me before right? So trust me now" he said as he gently pushed on your back until you were walking slightly in front of him again

"alright Yami but I'm still nervous" you whispered he just smiled and continued pushing on your back gently, after a little bit he stopped and looked straight a head, you looked to where he was looking and saw Yugi standing there twiddling his thumbs.

"Go on (y/n), jusy like we practiced it okay?" Yami said with a thumbs up then walking away. You watched him go then gulped in nerves before deciding to walk over to where Yugi was,

"um h....hey Yugi, what you doing?" You asked as you got to him, he looked up quickly before his cheeks burned red when he saw you,

"uh hey (y/n) I'm.....i'm good how are you?! I uh.. You look really nice in that dress and your hair is pretty too" he stuttered you blushed a little but smiled,

"thanks Yugi umm" you started before thinking best how to confess your feelings to him.

"I like you!" You both shouted at the same time, you stared at each other with surprise written all over them, then you both smiled embarrassed

"you like me back?" Yugi asked with his adorable eyes sparkling you nodded and took a small step forward, he breathed a sigh of relief then pulled you into a hug. You were a little surprised but you nuzzled your face into his chest and hugged him back,

"I love you (y/n)" Yugi muttered into your hair, you gave him a little squeeze

"I love you too Yugi" you replied, you both spent a while like that then you desided that you would both go get a milkshake together. Little did you both know Yami was watching from a little ways away with a smile of approval on his face, he was around of both of you.

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