On Your Period: Yugi

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You curled up under your covers more clutching your stomach, you had just started your period and you were in a lot of pain from your cramps. Your mom knew you were in pain but even still she was still trying to drag you out,

"(Y/n) hunnie! Yugi is here to see you!" Your mom shouted up the stairs you just groaned in response and curled up more "*sigh* on you go up sweetie maybe you can make her feel better" you heard your mom say before you could hear someone walking up the stairs.

"(Y/n)? Are you alright Aiko?" Yugi's voice came from the door (Aiko is Japanese for little loved one and yeah your nickname for Yugi is just going to be baby panda coz its cute and he is :)

you just groaned and turned over under the covers again, you heard Yugi close the door and walk over to you. The bed dipped slightly as he sat down, you felt the covers be gently pulled back you looked up to see your sweet baby panda staring at you with an adorable smile.

''Do you have any chocolate?'' you muttered gripping your stomach, Yugi looked around the room it was littered with chocolate wrappers in fact the floor was almost made out of them, your room was never this messy normally you were very tidy,

''chocolate? But aiko you..........wait I think I know what's going on here'' Yugi said blushing slightly looking to the opposite wall ''stay here I'll be back in five minuets okay?'' he asked moving your hair out of the way and kissing your forehead, you nodded and pulled your pillow into your arms burying your head into it, Yugi smiled and quickly left your house telling your mom that he would be back soon.

Yugi quickly walked over to the shops and pulled out a few bars of chocolate, then he picked up a packet of pain killers as he was walking to the check out just to ease the pain you were feeling. He thanked the clerk after paying for the stuff then walked back over and into your house, since your mom said he didn't have to knock when he came back, he walked in and straight up to your room where he found you laying on the oak floor gripping the pillow still. He put down the bag and hurried over to you.

''Aiko are you okay what happened?'' he asked concerned as he pulled you into his arms and fixed your hair into a bun so that it was out of your eyes,

''I fell, and it hurt when I tried to move so I didn't bother trying to get back up'' you whined, Yugi smiled sweetly at your pouting face as you tried to glare at the wooden floor, even though it didn't look threatening only cute, Yugi picked you up in his arms and set you on the bed, he moved over closing the curtains then brought the bag over and lay down next to you, Yugi popped out a couple of the pain killers and handed you the with a glass of water you gladly took them and swallowed them.

''Here you wanted this right? Let me feed it to you an give you and extra large dose of hugs and kisses to make you feel even better faster'' Yugi said wrapping you up in his arms and pulling you into him, he held a square of the chocolate up to your mouth making you smile,

''your so sweet my baby panda, thank you'' you said dropping your grip form the pillow and wrapping your arms instead around Yugi, for the rest of that day he took very good care of you. In fact your mom even let him stay the night so that you could get a good sleep, although the next day that meant Yami had fun teasing his partner, he knew not to tease you though since you know mood swings.  

Yugioh Bf Scenarios (Main Protaganists up to Zexal)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang