He Saves You: Yugi

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''Oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man! Arg I'm such an idiot how could I just turn around and say something like that to y/n?! I knew she was having a hard day then I turn around and make it worse by telling her this stupid puzzle is worth more to me than her what's wrong with me!'' Yugi shouted as he glared at the puzzle laying dejectedly on the bed, he felt horrible for what he said to you and was regretting his actions big time, he was trying not to cry but that was proving harder than he thought it would be.

''Yugi my boy what has happened between you and y/n? She went running out of here 5 minuets ago in tears, Yami went after her to see if she was alright but what was going on I swear I heard shouting coming from up here before she left'' Solomon asked walking into Yugi's room he was about to answer his grampa when Yami came running in looking very panicked,

''Yugi! Y/n has been kidnapped by Pegasus!'' he said getting straight to the point, Yugi looked to Yami worried then a scowl appeared on his face as he ran out of the room and straight towards where he knew Pegasus would be, he wasn't gonna make the same mistake twice and he was not going to let Pegasus take you away from him!

''Now then y/n are you gonna co-operate with me and hand me your rare Blue Eyes Black Dragon? Or are we going to have to resort to....other measures?'' Pegasus asked you as you were chained to a chair you growled at him as you stared at the zapper in his hand, he was a little worried to use it on you whilst you had the precious card he wanted so bad in case he destroyed it,

''I've told you over and over again Pegasus I will never give you my best card, your the creator of dual monsters you can just make another if you want it so bad, better yet you can make as many as you want why is mines so precious to you?'' you asked still trying to find a way out of the binds holding you tight,

'ugh I wish I hadn't had that stupid argument with Yugi then none of this would be happening right now, Yugi where are you.... please help me' you thought to yourself trying not to cry

''Y/N!'' a familiar, comforting voice shouted from the other side of the room, your head shot up and just as if your prayers were answered there stood Yugi with his dual disk at the ready

''Yugi! Here take this!'' you shouted managing to slide your Blue Eyes Black Dragon across the floor to him, he picked it up and stared at you, ''he wants that card of mines so use it and your Dark Magician and beat his sorry ass!'' you shouted. Yugi had never heard you so riled up before but he liked it he smiled and added your card to his deck then the dual between the two of them began.

After a long drawn out dual Yugi pulled the finishing blow then ran up to you pulling off the ropes that were binding you and pulling you into his arms tightly,

''I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry! I never should have said any of the things that I did, yes the millennium puzzle is important because it symbolizes the bond Yami and I have even in different bodies but that doesn't make you any less important to me, can you ever forgive me y/n?'' Yugi asked his face ridden with guilt.

You smiled and leaned up slightly so your lips were pressed to his, Yugi's grip tightened around you as he kissed you back then when you broke for air you cuddled into his chest

''how can I ever stay mad at you baby panda'' you whispered before falling asleep against him, just at that moment Yami and Solomon ran in to see Pegasus knocked out and Yugi turning around with you asleep in his arms, a contented smile on your face. The both of them smiled to Yugi who returned them with one of his own then the three of them headed home bringing you along with them.

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