First Kiss: Yuma

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"Alright Kite I dare you to hug Shark!" Yuma said with a grin you were playing dares with Shark, Kite, Rio and Tori whilst Astral was watching in amusement from the side. Astral was curious of the game after hearing the girls talking about it so you all decided to just play it,

".........I'm gonna get you back for this Yuma" Kite said glaring at the boy he shuffled over a little bit and full on hugged Shark taking the teen by surprise as he stared at his friend

"Uhhhh you can get off me now Kite" Shark said slightly in an uncomfortable tone Kite let go and moved back to his original position with a blank look on his face as if nothing had happened, you giggled at the scene when it was Sharks turn he smirked at you after looking between you and Yuma for a moment. You stopped giggling and gulped you had a feeling that this wasnt gonna be good,

"Okay Yuma I dare you to kiss (y/n)" Shark said you blinked a couple times and just stared at Shark, that wasn't nearly as bad as you thought he would make it, you looked over to Yuma who was bright red and had his mouth hanging open

"heh nice one Shark look at his face" Kite said with a smirk giving Shark a high five

"What?! That's embarrassing there's no way I can do that!" Yuma shouted flustered you looked over to Shark who gave Yuma a 'really?' Look then looked to you

"alright (y/n) you take his dare and kiss him then" Shark said making Yuma turn 5 shades darker if that was even possible

"that's not helping and there is no way that (y/n) is gonna buy that and mmmph?!" Yuma shouted, you rolled your eyes and grabbed his coller pulling him into you then smashed your lips to his to shut him up.

"Heh you were saying Yuma?" Shark said with a satisfied grin as he and Kite high five again, Rio and Tori 'awed' and Astral floated there his head tilted and confused with the whole concept and why Yuma was so red in the face.

You pulled back smiling at Yuma's cherry red face before he passed put with a goofy grin on his face, Astral took his place and you all continued with your game of dares.

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