He Hears You Sing: Astral

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(Okay guys I have an actual logical reason for choosing this song for Astral and its a good one, so if you want to know my in depth reason for choosing this beautiful song for Astral just read the text at the bottom of the story I explain it all there and honestly it warms my heart)

*knock* *knock* *knock*

You looked over to the front door, you smiled and walked over to answer it already knowing who was going to be there,

''morning (y/n)!'' Yuma said happily you smiled

''hey Yuma'' you replied you were a bit confused as to why he was at your door until he took his golden key off from around his neck and put it around yours

''he couldn't wait to hang out with you today so have fun okay! You can bring it back after dinner since we live right next to each other so spend the day together and have a great time with him okay!'' Yuma said you smiled and nodded

''yeah, I will thank you Yuma. I'll take good care of your key'' you said he winked giving you the thumbs up then jumped the fence back over to his own house where he went out with his grandma and sister, you gripped the key in your hand looking down to it and smiled again. You closed your front door and walked through the kitchen grabbing your pad as you were walking by,

''(y/n)? Where are you going hunnie?'' your mom asked you smiled to her nodding to the back garden

''I'm going to my treehouse to hang out with my friend Astral mom, see you later'' you said walking out the house leaving behind your very confused mother. You climbed up the ladder and into your treehouse that you had built with your father before he left. You see you and Yuma became friends because your dad was his dads best friend and when his parents went out exploring then later missing your dad was with them.

You sat down on your little pillow chair and opened your pad looking over all the words you had wrote down so far, you loved to write songs but you were finding it hard to get the right words for this particular song,

''what do you think is beyond the sky of your world (y/n)?'' you heard a familiar voice say, you looked to your side to see that Astral had come out of the key and was sitting beside you looking out of the window. You smiled and followed his gaze up to the clear blue sky,

''beyond the sky of this world? Well space I guess, planets, stars, black holes, the edge of my galaxy that leads out into the infinite universe, and somewhere in that universe... your home, Astral world. Say Astral do you ever feel like you want to go home?'' you asked looking back over to him, his eyes met yours it was clear that he was in thought

''I am unsure, I feel like I would have to but at the same time if there was someone or something that made me feel like I had to stay here I would. I know I have my friends you, Yuma everyone but I don't know if that is the best reason to stay since friendships last forever no matter where you are or how far away'' he said you smiled sadly and looked down to your notepad, you didn't really want him to go home but you understood his logic and where he was coming from.

''Beyond the sky huh....wait......beyond the sky. Astral your a genius!'' You shouted happily, although your sudden volume change startled him he moved closer to you so that he was looking over your shoulder as you scribbled away,

''what are you writing?'' he asked curiously

''I was finishing off my song, I couldn't think of the right title or linking phrase to tie it all together but when you said beyond the sky it hit me, it was perfect thanks Astral'' you said smiling and hugging him, he seemed a little surprised at first but soon hugged you back

''what is a song?'' he then asked you giggled and walked over to the keyboard you kept up in your treehouse sitting down on the stool, you beckoned Astral over and he sat next to you

''I'll show you its easier than explaining it, listen carefully whilst I sing my new lyrics heh you helped me so much I guess this could be our song, just for us no one else. And if you ever do decide to go home when I sing this song you'll hear it in your heart and know that I'm thinking of you'' you said with a smile, you swore you saw a hint of pink on his cheeks but you just shrugged it off and began to play.

Beyond The Sky- Xenoblade Chronicles Ending Theme
Tell me why, the reason I am here
Just only you I see from far away
I've come for you
Don't know why, I searched all night and day

But when I'm here, darkness came
No lights to show the way
Dark despair, still I seek for you
All I long to see was your smile

I know I won't look behind, I see no regrets
No guiding lights so dark, are you my light?
But now I am here, and you're close to me
My heart is with you, forever and ever...

See this place, the end of world she fears
No shining lights anywhere
This emptiness in tears
Didn't know,
It was you all along
You were chasing after my shadows

I know I won't look behind, I see no regrets
No guiding lights so dark, are you my light?
But now I am here, and you're close to me
My heart is with you, forever and ever...

No I won't let you go, I will hold it in my arms
Oh! This light was you!
I know it now, beyond the sky,
There's new place you'll see
I came to you to share our dream together
I won't let us part, there's no place to be
My heart is with you, forever and ever...

As you finished playing you looked up into Astral's hetrochromic eyes, they were half closed as he was smiling gently down to you

''that was very beautiful (y/n), I agree this song should be our song, we should not let anyone else hear this song'' he said you smiled and nodded

''yeah lets do that, now come on lets go have some fun. We have the whole day to have fun so tell me what you wanna do then lets do it'' you said with a sparkle in your eyes Astral thought for a moment then he looked like he had a thought,

''well there are a lot of things I want to experience but first, I want you to sing our song again and teach me how to sing so that I may experience the pleasures of singing our song along side you, then if I do return to Astral world you will hear me singing our song and know I am thinking of you'' he said you were a little surprised at his request but you grinned and nodded, you started to tech him the song that he helped you to perfect.

(Okay my reason, prepare for feels! I chose this song because, think about it Astral is a being of another world or a being of the stars, so 'beyond the sky' its perfect.
-Also on a more serious note think of the lyrics they are basically a perfect match to Astral's life in this story. The first verse being lost in the dark not knowing where to go, that's Astral loosing his memories after he lost the number cards, he's lost he cant find where to go or even who he is. The chorus is him thinking 'well if I cant look back on my past to know who I am or my purpose I won't give up on looking for who I am and maybe my friends are my light, maybe they can help me?' Verse two he's worried that he would have to leave this world he needs to find his light, the one person that can make him stay, that one good reason. The ending well think about it this is a boyfriend scenario, he will become your boyfriend meaning he has finally found his light, you. You are the reason that will keep him in this world the one person he wants to protect and love, you have helped him find himself and you have given him a future and a reason to stay)

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