Meeting Him: Yuma

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You opened your eyes sleepily to someone shaking you awake,

"ugh...what is it bro?" You asked he just rolled his eyes and threw your school uniform on your head,

"you slept through the alarm on your dual gazer again, so I thought I would wake you up before you were late for school, so hurry up and get ready" he said leaving your room you groaned and rolled out your bed until you were face first on the floor, you were never much of a morning person and this was always your routine.

You eventually got off the floor and threw your pajamas onto your bed, not bothering to make it as you pulled your uniform on and fixed your hair, you trudged down the stairs and grabbed your bag leaving the house after all you didn't really have time for breakfast,

still half asleep and dazed you walked your usual route to school, but then from behind you you heard something making you turn around.

"Ahhhh! Hurry up Astral we're gonna be late!" Yuma Tsukumo shouted, he was in your class and sat directly behind you. You never said to anyone but you could see his friend Astral even though no one else really could,

"huh...Yuma........Look out!" You shouted but too late he crashed right into you bringing the both of you to the ground rubbing your heads "ouch" you muttered

"Yuma I did tell you to watch where you were going" you heard Astral say as he looked down to Yuma

"geez Yuma, I thought you would listen to Astral more than in just duals" you said before covering your mouth with your hand realizing what you had just let slip. Yuma and Astral stopped looking at you

"wait you can see Astral.....uhhh what's your name again?" Yuma asked Astral face palmed and you sighed,

"(Y/n), I sit in front of you in class. Oh wait your always asleep in class so of course you wouldn't remember me" you said with a sheepish smile, Yuma just grinned and pulled you up my your arms then handed you your bag "thank you" you said.

"Heh, its nothing after all I was the one who brought you to the ground in the first place haha sorry bout that (y/n). Hey I know how bout I buy you lunch to make it up to you" he said you noticed Astral smirking a little but you just smiled and nodded

"haha sure Yuma, but you know what we could do right this second that would be good?" You said he tilted his head to the side making you giggle and run a few steps in front of him, "run so we're not late for school!" You shouted with a smile as you started running a head Yuma yelped but ran after you and in the end you both just decided to race to school with Astral floating behind the two of you.

"Yuma, (y/n) glad to see you both could join us even if you were 20 minuets late" Mr Kay said as you both fell into the classroom out of breath

"Sorry Mr Kay" you both said together as you walked over to your seats and facing the front of class. Eventually lunch the came and surprisingly Yuma hadn't fallen asleep during class yet and he was answering questions right,

"so what do ya want for lunch (y/n)! I promised I'd buy so name what you want!" He said cheerfully but you just laughed and looked around the food but you wern't really feeling anything

"um I dunno I'm in the mood for rice balls but they aren't making them today" you said Yuma's face lit up as he dragged you to the roof where Tori and Bronk were sitting waiting for Yuma "hi Tori, Bronk" you said with a smile which they returned

"Hey (y/n)!" Tori said as you sat down between her and Yuma, Yuma pulled out his lunch and passed you one of the rice balls in the box,

"huh?" You said looking to him as he took a big bite into the other one and had rice bits all round his mouth

"Well I knocked you over so I said I'd get you lunch but you said you wanted this right? My grandma always makes me dual fuel so as my apology I'll share my lunch with ya" Yuma said You smiled and said a quick thank you before biting into the rice, it was really good. You speant the rest of the day chatting away with your new friends.

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