First Kiss: Astral

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"Here (y/n) Astral um wanted to ask you something, he tried asking me but I uh.... Couldn't answer that so yeah have fun with that bye!" Yuma shouted as he threw the key at you then jumped over the fence and running into his house, almost falling on his face in the process.

You held the key staring at where Yuma just was very confused about what had just happened,

"he took off in a hurry did he not?" Astral asked from behind you, by this point you were used to Astral coming out of the key behind you since when you first started dating he would surprise you that way,

"yup..... He seemed embarrassed about something but I literally got none of what he was saying he blurted something out about you wanting to ask me something that he couldn't answer then ran off plus he a almost decked it too" you said still very confused you bekoned for Astral to follow you up to your room which he did.

"Not going to your tree house today hunnie?" Your mom asked you didn't look at her as you spoke

"Nope I'm going to my room with my boyfriend, come on Astral. Bye mom" you said walking up the stairs Astral turned and gave your mom a small bow before floating up after you,

Of course your mom walked into the kitchen and continuously splashed water on her face wondering what it was she had just seen. Your boyfriend was a floating blue alien? Okay she was going crazy at least that's what she thought.

Once you and Astral were in your room you closed the door and both sat down on your bed facing one another,

"What was it you wanted to ask me Astral?" You asked as he took your hands in his

"(Y/n), what is a kiss?" Astral asked, you then understood why Yuma got so embarrassed how was he supposed to answer that question. Your cheeks tinted pink at the thought this was something you wanted to talk to him about at some point but you didn't think it was going to come up this early,

"um a kiss is an action that two people who love each other a lot perform physically show their love and affection for one another" you explained Astral listened intently

"and how does one engage in this action with another?" Astral then asked

"well um its hard to explain. Basically both people press their lips together and um, I've never really kissed anyone I think you just know what to do when it happens" you said rather shyly you had noticed Astral had been rather quiet and when you looked up you realized why his face was right in from of yours and his hands were on your shoulders.

Before you could say anything you felt his lips on yours and his hands squeeze your shoulders a little, you blushed at how soft and sweet his lips felt as you wrapped your arms around his back pulling him closer to you.

"Observation number 1 kissing (y/n) is a very pleasant feeling that I enjoy and will continue to do to show my affections and love for her" Astral said after pulling away, you smiled and blushed nuzzling into his chest,

"by the way have you had chocolate?" You asked

"Yes Yuma told me that if I was asking you that question I should have chocolate first although I did not understand why" he said hugging you tightly and nuzzling his nose against yours. You smiled

'Yuma you crafty nut" you thought to yourself with a sly smile.

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