First Kiss: Yami

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You, Yugi, Yami, Joey, Tristen and Seto were all out you decided that you all wanted to go to the arcade for the day. You and Yami were basically on a double date with Seto and Joey but Yugi and Tristan wanted to come along too so it was a date it wasn't at the same time,

"This is gonna be awesome, normally its always us guys that cone to the arcade so its great that your into this sort of stuff too (y/n)!" Yugi said happily from your side, you smiled down to him and felt Yami grip your hand a little tighter showing that he agreed.

"Yeah it'll be fun, but doesn't Tea come with you guys? I can understand Mai not being into it but I though Tea loved this stuff?" You asked but they all just looked to you as if you were crazy, "what?" You asked confused

"Tea may be our friend but that doesn't mean she enjoys the arcade, she always stands in the corner bored and annoyed until we say to leave. We never really get to have fun here for long when she's with us because she wants to leave pretty much as soon as we arrive" Yami said to you, you all walked through the isles of games thinking about what to play first.

"Hey! You cheated that whole time, I was winning and you kept tripping me up, that's not fair!" You stopped when you heard a young boy shouting , you looked to where the shouting was coming from and saw a boy arguing with a grown man over some dance game,

Yami stopped walking when he felt your hand tugging his he turned to face you realizing that you had stopped moving altogether, that got the attention of the other guys too

"Sorry kid I don't have a clue what you mean, Steps is the supreme dance god he doesn't need to cheat to beat rookie trash like you" the guy sneered making the young boy tear up, you growled and pulled you hand out of Yami's storming up to the two.

"Alright buddy I don't know what your deal is, but bullying a young child is not cool so why don't you just back off and leave him alone!" You snapped, Yami and the others were surprised at your attitude change they had never seen you this pissed off before,

"listen girly I don't know what your gabbing on about but...." He started but that just pissed you off more

"don't try the fake innocence on me buddy, I don't know what just happened or why he's this upset with you but you must have done something" you growled Steps smirked and took a step closer to you so he was right in front of your face.

This triggered Yami who was about to punch the guy before being held back by the others

"you got spunk I like that in a girl. Alright I'll make you a deal if you can beat me at my own game I'll stop being a bully. But if I win you gotta go on a date with me" you scowled at him

"depends on the game" you said bluntly making him smirk again as he nodded to the machine behind him, the dance machine this time it was your turn to smirk. You loved dancing and were awesome at all kinds but he didn't need to know that right away. "Deal" you said taking off you jacket and handing it to Yami

"Cool bit one other thing I get to chose the song, tempo and difficulty" he said  you felt a tug on your sleeve to see the little boy

"Hey don't worry I got this just watch and be amazed" you said walking up onto the little stage facing the screen. The song was fast and the hardest difficulty but of course you had no problem with it, Steps did everything he could to try and trip you up but you evaded it every time, and in the end you won.

"Tch little runt" Steps said under his breath as you turned away from him, just as you were walking to the side of the stage he tripped you making you fall, Yami moved quickly and caught you in a dip before you could get hurt, his face was right in front of yours and you were bright red

before you knew what was happening someone pushed on Yami's back making him fall forward slightly, but that was just enough to have your lips touching. You both froze at first him because he didn't know what you were thinking and you from embarrassment but you soon melted into the kiss allowing him to relax as well.

After you pulled back and started walking around the arcade again you found out that it was Yugi who had pushed Yami into you and boy did he get chased around for a good ten minuets for pulling that little stunt.

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