On Your Period: Yusei

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Sorry but this picture was too funny not to use XD

"Nervin! You better get off your skinny little geek ass and return my phone to me now! I know you took it to upgrade without my permission so get back here!" You screamed, it was that time of the month for you and anyone who knew you at that time knew to not mess with you, unless of course they had a death wish.

Yusei was just coming back from a test run on his upgraded dual runner to find the place in a riot. Rally, Tank and Blitz were all hiding under or behind things and the place looked like a tornado had rampaged through it, which was partly true in a way,

"what's going on here?" Yusei asked Blitz who was closest to him, Blitz looked over semi terrified

"Yusei, you have no idea! Do not get (y/n) pissed off when its that time of the month, oh god please dont she goes on a rampage!" Blitz said pointing towards you chasing Nervin around the place throwing whatever you could grab at him, you picked up a plate and threw it not looking where you were aiming. Yusei was just able to duck in time before it smacked him in the face.

"Holy.....that was way too close for comfort" Yusei muttered as he looked over to you going berserk. He had never seen you like that before but then he had never seen you on your period before, he walked over and managed to catch you from behind before you could throw a pillow at Nervin, the poor guy was shaken up.

You realized who was holding onto you and snapped out of your enragment only then noticing what a mess you had made of the place,

"I....did it again didn't I? Darn it! Sorry guys I didn't mean to scare you and wreck your place like that" you said looking down feeling ashamed of yourself but they all walked over smiling

"Its alright (y/n) now we know not to annoy you at this time every month, c'mon let's all just watch a movie" Rally said as Yusei pulled you down onto his lap and Rally chose the movie,

"I got the munchies!" Tank shouted running over with bags of snacks and sharing them out with everyone then you all began to watch fast and furious 7 together.

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