Meeting Him: Yami

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You walked through the quiet halls of Domino high, class was already out but you stayed behind to help your teacher with some extra work, you were kind hearted and sweet like that you could never leave someone who needed your help.

Suddenly just as you left the school you heard cheering, curious you walked over to where all the students were gathered, you managed to squeeze by to a place at the front to see that you were now watching a dual. A dual between Seto Keiba and Yami Yugi, both life points were even and it was Seto's Blue Eyes against Yami's Dark Magician, you were a duellist yourself and you had always looked up to Yami's skills but you never had the courage to talk to him because he was so popular.

"Go Blue Eyes White Dragon attack Dark Magaician with white lightning!" Seto shouted you held your breath this would end the dual if this landed, you looked over to Yami but he was just smiling,

"You have activated my trap magic cylinder, your attack is reflected back to you and you take damage to your life points equal to the attack points of your monster. This dual is over" he said as Seto's life points dropped down to zero. Everyone cheered but you just breathed a sigh of relief, you looked back up to see Seto smack something out of Yami's hand after the crowed had dispersed Yami looked panicked as the small thing floated your way. You caught it and looked down to see that it was Yami's Dark Magician card, this was your chance to speak to him.

"Um, Yami?" You said walking over to him he turned around to look down at you, you looked up at him and held his card out to him, "I uh believe this belongs to you" he took the card then smiled down to you,

"thanks (y/n) I would have been destroyed if I lost the Dark Magician...your name is (y/n), right?" He asked you looked to him a little surprised but you smiled back up to him and nodded,

"yeah it is, I'm surprised you know it though" you said he just chuckled and lead you over to a bench where you sat down next to him.

"Why wouldn't I? We sit next to each other in class and I really wanted to get the chance to talk to you. But the opportunity never really came up" he said your eyes lit up,

"really? Well I've been the same but you know I really admire your duelling skills I wish I could dual as good as you could Yami" you said before slapping your hand over your mouth realizing what you had just said but Yami just chuckled and smiled to you

"well I could help organize your deck and help you make up a strategy, theres just one condition though" he said you turned to face him, curious but he just smiled and held his Dark Magician out to you. You smiled when you realized the condition, you dug in your bag until you found your deck then pulled out your favorite card, Fortune Lady Dark and held it out too so both cards were touching.

"So you agree to being my friend?"he asked you nodded with a smile, this was how you made friends with someone if you weren't the best a duelling

"how could I not I've wanted to be your friend for a long time so when do we begin?" You asked Yami smiled and handed you his phone number,

"call me tonight I'll arrange a day over the weekend that we can meet up sound good?" You nodded and handed him your own number then you walked your separate ways to get home. 'I finally made a friend and I talked to the boy I admire all in one day I can't wait to see him again' you thought as you walked home with a smile on your face.

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