Lets runaway chapter 4

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We sit on my bed and I look over at her. She's looking all over my room. "Your spoiled I take it."She says giving me a dirty and annoyed look. "Not really honestly." You say getting up. You look out your window and see your parents are finally home. "You need to hide!" you say looking at her. She looks scared and she sprints for the closet. There's a hidden door in the closet. Its only there because when you were younger you wanted a "secret hide out" for you and your friends. She gets in there and sits. You quickly turn on the Tv in your room and turn on the Xbox. You put in the movie, Deadpool. You hear the front door open and see your dad with.... No food. You walk over to the kitchen and don't see mom. Dads only there. You see him holding a beer bottle, blue moon as he chugs it down. He turns around and sees you. "Hey kiddo." he says looking at you smiling. "Hey." you say hugging him. Something was wrong. 1, dad NEVER drinks beer, 2, he would be crying if mom wasn't by him and 3 he NEVER calls me "kiddo". He usually calls me by my name. Somethings up. You think as you watch him walk to his room as You quickly walk over to yours. "WHERE IS SHE!" he screams as he leaves his room and comes into yours. " (Y/N), where is she?" he says calmly looking mad at you. "I dont know what your talking about?" You say looking back from him to your tv. He starts looking around. He forgot about my hidey spot. I go there when I'm sad and no one can find me. He looks under my bed, behind the dresser and in my closet. "You probably let her go." he says looking down at the ground. You look at the collar of his shirt and see blood. He looks down at you and gets angry. "I KNOW YOU LET HER GO, YOU USELESS FUCK!" he yells and slaps your face hard. You stare at him and get tears in your eyes. "I have a girl to find now!" he says slamming your door and running for the vehicle. You stand in shock. You silently cry and hear tattletail. "I'm coming for you!" he says hopping down the hallway. You hear a tap on your door and let him in. He comes in and says something that makes me cry and shake worse. "Your dad has a dead body in the basement." He says looking at you sadly. "You should call the cops." he says hopping into your arms. "Or run away." he says smiling at me. The girl comes out of the hidey spot. "We should run away together and find your mom." She says holding her hand out for me. "I don't even know your name." You say looking at her. "My names Amy." She says smiling at you. "You pack some clothes and shove Them into a bag. You grab her a bag and shoves her some of your clothes into the bag and hands it to her. You grab your phone and give her your old flip phone, at least she's happy to have one. We run to the kitchen and shoves some food into each of our bags. I run to my room grab tattletail and we head downstairs. You look at the shelve and see a unicorn flashlight, who cares it's a flashlight. You grab it and sprint to the back holding her Hand. She looks and screams. I look over and she points to the dead body. She starts to the and tells me Its her dad. I hug her and I apologize for having an asshole/murder. I remind her we need to go and she takes tattletail. We grab his charger and sprint for the cellar. We head to the cellar and get out. "By the way I'm (Y/N)." you say as you open the cellar door and run with her by your side.

You As Tattletails Owner. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora