New home chapter 7

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You scream loudly. Blood is all over your body and your arm. It hurts really bad. You have tears as Amy drives faster. Tattle tail looks behind angrly. He shoves Amy on top of you and starts to drive. HE MAGICALLY GREW ARMS AND LEGS AND GOT HUGE! he turns back around and speeds up. He reachs as fast as the car goes and speeds right at dad. Dad somehow stops the Car even though it was over 90 miles per hour. Dad looks angry. HE LIFTS THE VEHICLE AND THROWS YOU. You, Amy and Tattletail go flying. The vehicle land's right in a junkyard. This is perfect. You think to yourself. Tattletail looks scared and mad. "You okay Tattletail?" you say as you get out of the car. Amy follows you out. You start to run when you feel someone holding your hand. You stop and realize Amy's holding it. "Yes Amy?" you say scooting closer to her.

"Please don't leave me." She says looking down. She starts to blush. She does look really cute though. You scoot closer and hug her. She jumps in starle the hugs you back. She smiles and hugs you. Tatttletail shrinks back again and gets out of the vehicle.

"You two sure are cute together." He says jumping on your back and smiling. This makes you smile more.

"We should build our own house here." You says looking at them both. They both look and agree. "We need to find an empty spot." you say looking through all this garbage. "There!" you hear Amy say as she sprints for the spot. You pick up tattletail and sprint too. You guys make it.

"Is your dad part robot?" Amy asks you.

"I don't know, Why?" you ask her. This question made you curious. You point to an old matress and sit on it. Tattletail hops over and sits down too. Amy walks over and sits.

"There's NO way a human can stop a 120 miles per hour car and then Chuck it 20 to 30 feet away." She says starring at all this garbage.

"That is true, maybe he's mama." you say before you speak. Amy looks at you and smiles. "What?"

"Maybe he is." Amy says getting up.

"Where are you going?" you ask Amy. She looks over at you and smiles.

"I'm going back for our van." she says jogging to it. You watch her jog. She looks so beautiful, you think. Her hair flowing in the summer breeze, the blue dress, and the way she jogs. She's like the princess of my dreams. You think smiling and blushing all to your self.

"You like Her, don't ya." tattletail says jumping into your arms. He studies your face and smiles. "You do!" he says smiling

"No I don't." you say blushing and put him down on the mattress. She comes back with the van. You move out of the way. She park's it right in the corner.

"Does anyone come here anymore?" You ask them. They both look at you and shrug.

"Lets eat." Amy says handing is some food and drinks smiling and all of us sit on the mattress.

You As Tattletails Owner. Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt