what's next chapter 13

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You and Amy sit in her room. You watch as the sunsets. You look over and see Amy have a huge smile. "You seem very happy." you say scooting closer to her. She looks over and has a beautiful smile. She faces towards and and looks away.

"You won't want to." She says looking at the ground embarresed.

" of course I will." you say lifting up her chin to see her with wide eyee and her face red. "You okay?" you say hugging her. She hugs you back and lets go.

"(Y/N), I want to have a baby with you." she says blushing and looking at the ground. You stare at her with wide eyes. You've never thought of that before. A baby? She looks up at you and looks sad. "You don't have to, I understand. Were only 17 and you don't want to be a young parent." she says happy but can tell she's disappointed. She stands up and so do you. You pull on Her shirt and kiss her.

"I guess we can have a baby." you say smiling. So you guys do stuff that night. A few months later you saw Amy always looking sick. You take her to the hospital and she's positive.

"Youll be having a boy." the doctor says happily and Amy crys happily and you do to. A few months later when you guys woke up You saw it wet under her.  Maybe it's sweat? You look closer and it looks like pee but why would she pee? You then realize it's her water that broke.

"AMY! YOUR WATER BROKE!" You yell excidelly waking her up. She looks scared and happy.  You pull her to the van. You drive her to the hospital. "What do we want to name the baby?" you ask curiously driving. She looks over at you and smiles shyly.

"It's a surprise but you'll love it." She says looking out the window. She takes deep breaths but we get there. We quickly get inside and take her in a room. She gives birth and there's a beautiful, baby boy in Her arms. Amy looks at him and cries. "Your names Tattletail." she says kissing his cheek. You get a huge smile and cry happily. You fill out the paper and then you guys head home with the new edition, Tattletail.

Should I write another squeal of Tattletail (baby) point of view now?

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