Jesse now! chapter 10

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I fell asleep on the floor. I got woken up by a huge thud. I look everywhere. "OPEN UP KILEY, YOUR UNDER ARREST!" yelled a police officer. I peek my head out the door and see Kiley grab the money and hop out the window. I run over to the window and see the police officer arrest her. Jesse runs out and tries to give her mom a hug. The police officer looks at Jesse and has tears in his eyes. "Sweetie, is this mommy?" he says pointing at her.

"Yes." she says running upland hugging kiley.

"Honey, you need to come with us." the police officer says holding her hand. He shakes his head no and frowns. She takes his hand.

"Excuse me sir, I'll be keeping her." Ariel says smiling. The police officer turns around and smiles. He lets go of  her hand and walks her over to Ariel. Ariel holds out her arms and Jesse walks into them.

"What's happening to mommy?" She says crying. She quickly runs to mommy and doesn't let go. The police officer rips her off and hands her to Ariel. I quickly head outside and stand by Ariel.

"LEAVE MY DAUGHTER ALONE YOU FUCKING JERK!" kiley screams looking at the police officer.

"DO YOU WANT ME TO TELL EVERYONE WHY YOUR REALLY GOING TO JAIL?!" he says screaming at her face making Jesse cry. Kileys eyes go wide and she looks mad. Ariel hugs Jesse and Jesse hugs her and I just stand there.

"YOU BETTER FUCKING NOT!" she screams at the police. I look at Kiley angry.

"DO YOU NOT SEE YOUR LITTLE DAUGHTER RIGHT HERE!  ALL YOU CARE ABOUT IS YOURSELF!" I scream looking right at her. She looks at me angry.

"MOMMY!" Jesse screams trying to get out of Ariels arms. Ariel holds her tightly and silently cries into jesse. I look over and frown. I turn around to see Mr. Bubbles there.

"It appears your parents are gone." he says looking up at me scared. I sprint to the house and open the door. I run from room to room and don't see them. Out vehicle was still there.

"MOM!" I scream running around outside. Nothing but the officer and Kiley fighting. I look at the ground and out my hands into fists. I look up and it's a gray, beautiful day that's now ruined. I walk back and have tears in my eyes. I see Kiley in there and she looks mad. I see Jesse asleep in Ariels arms and the officer walking to his vehicle. "If I  may ask, Why is she going to jail,?" I ask looking over at Ariel and smiling. I look back at him and he tells us she had been growning marajauina, selling cocaine,  raped a man and had abused Jesse for a while but Jesse never knew because she was 1. We frown and look at Jesse. He smiles and waves and heads out. We stand there and look at each other.

"What should we do?" Ariel asks smiling at me. I look over and smile.

"We might have to leave, the furbies have already taken my parents for who knows what reasons." I say looking at the van. I sprint inside and grab the important crap like, food, clothes, body care and even Mr.Bubbles. I also grabbed my electronics, duh. I sprint back and see Jesse in the van buckled up but she looks cold. I sprint back in and grab some  blankets, movies and I'm about to leave when I see a vault, a tiny one but still. I wake up Jesse and asks of she knows, she nods yes and opens it up.

"Here you go Tattletail." she says blushing and smiling handing me the money from inside the vault. We head back out and leave.


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