Chapter Three

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"Excuse me?" her shrill voice shrieked.

I sighed at the girl. Why do they always shriek?

"Do you know who I am?" she crossed her arms, glaring at me, "I'm Madison Fontaine - daughter of Richard Fontaine. He owns the Fontaine hotels. You can't just break up with me."

"Look, Madeleine," I scowled, "Obviously your money isn't that much if you're in public schooling rather than private. Secondly, you and your high-pitched voice aren't worth my time."

"It's Madison. And, who in this school can possibly be better than me?" she wrinkled her nose.

"Anyone," I smirked.

"Name one person," she sniffed indignantly.

"Oh, I could write you an entire list," I grinned innocently, "But I'll keep it short. Jenna."

Madison's face fell blank of expression. Then the fire lit her eyes. She screamed, "Shut up! Why does every guy fall for Blondie?!"

With that she stormed off. I shook my head slightly at her, watching her go. 

A quiet voice said from behind me, "There's something sad about a girl that thinks money will solve everything."

I glanced over my shoulder with a raised eyebrow. I examined the small girl carefully. She only just reached my chest in height with stick-thin limbs and body. Her bright blue eyes avoided mine as I watched her. Her long black hair framed her face. She murmured, "Stop staring."

She's cute.

I leant against the locker and gave her a full smile, "I'm Will Hart."

The girl rolled her eyes, looking into her locker pointedly. She muttered, "There's something even sadder about a boy that thinks all he needs in life is a different girl every night."

She slammed her locker door, threw me a pointed look and marched swiftly away on her school shoes. 

What the hell just happened?


I'm a playboy and I'm not afraid to admit it. Sure, I sleep around but that's because the one girl I'd like to call my girlfriend is scared of commitment. 

Jenna Blakely. 

That one name can send any guy into sexual overdrive. 

Blonde hair, brown eyes, tanned skin, beautiful body. And the only guy she's been in bed with is me. Jenna has a certain... aura about her. She looks like your typical cheerleader - and she is, trust me - but deep down, there's something real there. Not that she lets anyone in. 

That's why she uses me. I use her and she uses me. That's our deal. 

She uses me as a distraction from... I don't know what, exactly... but I use her as a distraction from my dad. She's the only girl that doesn't cling to me or ask questions. 

Except for game days... like today.

It's an away game against Hills Academy so it's not even at our school. It's not a common occurrence for students to come and watch the game either. It's usually just parents and a few groups of girls plus the junior rugby squad. The parents don't make the trip for the away game - my dad barely comes to the home games as is - and the juniors don't need to come. 

A few girls still do, though, for the guys. Jenna loves it. I drive her to the away games a few times a year and she practices her cheerleading routines with Courtney on the side of the field. The also scope out the competition... in a way.

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