Chapter Thirty-One

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Ohmygosh, there are these things called Twitter and Snapchat - Did you know? Follow me @amateursharky :) 



I unlocked the front door quietly. If Zoe and Mitch were already asleep, it would do no good to wake them up. Behind me, a quiet chuckle emerged. 

I mentally rolled my eyes at Will as I pushed open the front door. Instead of being met by dark, like I expected, the bright lights from the entrance hall met my eyes. I squinted, grimacing. My eyes adjusted within a few seconds and I widened them. 

Three figures sat on the couch, chatting amongst themselves. 

I stared at the blonde, blue-eyed child. 

"What's she doing here?" I said dully. 

The girl moved her gaze quickly from Mitch to me. Her blue eyes sparkled and I held in another grimace, "Hi Matt."

"Lena?" Will asked, pushing past me, "What on Earth are you doing here?"

She stood up and made her way quickly to her older brother, wrapping him in a hug, "I have some really good news."

Will smirked, "Like what? I'm allowed home again?"

Lena nodded, "Exactly. How'd you guess?"

Will's smirk slowly fell, "What?"

Lena wrinkled her nose in confusion, "Dad didn't call you?"

"Dad and I haven't spoken since the last time you were up..."

Lena's eyes widened, "But that two weeks ago."

Will nodded, still unsure, "Let's go up to my room and talk. Okay?"

She followed him up the stairs without another word.

I walked further into the entrance hall, "Mitch? What did she mean?"

Mitch sighed quietly, "Will's dad is letting Lena drop out of boarding school... only as long as she lives with Will, though."

"So," Gee cut in, "Will's not going to live here anymore?"

"It was never going to be permanent," Zoe whispered before standing up, "I think it's time to get to bed, both of you."

"Wait," Gee murmured, still half-dazed, "Do you think Jen and Court could stay the night?" She joined me, walking inside, to show Courtney's tear-stained face, tucked slightly into Jen's shoulder.

Zoe nodded quickly, eyes flashing softly with wonder, "Of course. But Jen's not allowed in Will's room... And remember you have school tomorrow."

It won't be Will's room for much longer.

I ran a hand through my hair in frustration before heading upstairs. I'd soon be saying bye to the only true brother I'd had in a long time.



I wiped my face with the towel on the rack before crossing back over the hallway into Gee's room. I sniffed quietly, closing the door behind me. A roll-out mattress lined the floor of her room and Jen was already tucked into it. Gee was reading in her bed. 

As I closed the door, Gee looked up. She inserted a bookmark into her copy of 1984 before placing it down on her nightstand. 

"Are you okay?" Jen asked from the floor. I joined her, sliding in beside her. 

I shook my head, "I don't think I'll ever be quite right, Jen. But thanks for asking."

I glanced up at Gee peering down at us from her bed. Her eyes were full of sympathy and curiosity. She was itching to know what happened but didn't want to ask. 

Stereotyping Rock (Stereotyping Series) | ✔️Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum