Chapter Thirty-Nine

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"Can you hurry this up?" I complained to Dad. 

He shook his head, scowling, "I'm already doing a ninety in a seventy zone, Courtney!"

I began tapping my foot impatiently on the car floor as we flew down the backstreet. It was supposed to be a half hour car ride and it had already been fifty minutes. I'd succeeded in taking my excess makeup off and replacing it with basics and I'd redone my hair. I still wore my cheerleading costume, despite the sweatiness. Gee had insisted on it. 

"Stop that tapping, Courtney!" Mum scolded, "We're only another fifteen minutes away."

Fifteen minutes? That means we've missed soundcheck. I'll still get there in time before they shut the gates though. 

I quickly texted Jenna of my whereabouts. 

Stuck in traffic. Insane! Fifteen more minutes and I'll be there. Sorry x

Just as I sent it, another message came in from Alex.

Ran into Will's dad at the supermarket. Said he's coming to watch the concert. Do I tell?

Will's... dad was coming to the concert? Will's dad hates music, hates love, hates anything remotely positive in his son's life. Why was he coming to the concert?

Don't tell Will. Call Jen.


Are you sure?

Will's gonna freak if he knows and the concert will go to shambles. Don't tell him until after, at least.



I ran a hand through my brown hair. Please let us get there in time... I know how much Matt needs us there tonight.


"Hold the gates!" I yelled, carrying a guitar with me. 

One of the London Academy security guards looked me up and down, "Courtney Asher?"

"Yeah," I panted out, from running most of the rest of the way. 

"Go right on in, and hurry. Straight down the steps and to the left," he rushed out. 

I thanked him, sprinting inside the gates. I made my way down the stone steps of their outdoor auditorium as a lanky teacher made his way on stage, shined on by lights. I didn't have much more time. I ran down the steps the security guard had pointed to and through the left-hand door. 

A bunch of people glared up at me, holding fingers to their lips. Looking at many of the matching costumes and instruments, at least I knew I was in the right place. I squinted in the dark backstage area, searching for my mismatched group. A familiar yellow dress shined ever so slightly from the UV Lights. 


I quietly hurried to our group and pounced on Jenna in a hug. I whispered, "I'm here. I ran... but I'm here."

And then I felt like home because my favourite people in the world were wrapped around me in a massive hug. Excluding Alex.

Alex was dorky but sweet. He was so completely unlike Daniel that it scared me. Not Alex, god no, he's too innocent to scare anyone. What scared me was that I'd once fallen a victim to Daniel. But Alex... he's always there to put a smile on my face and help me when I need it. 

Belle from Beauty in the Beast fell in love with a beast and ended up with a prince. I might not be a princess at heart, but I am a princess through spirit. 

I'm not what you think I am... but at the same time, I am. 


Song: Teenagers - My Chemical Romance

I love Alex and Courtney. Matt and Gee will forever be my OTP but Alex and Courtney are just extremely cute!

xx Sharky. 

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