Chapter Twenty-Two

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I jumped in fright. I glared at the accuser through my thick glasses.

Siobhan didn't pause but ran to me through the crowded dining room. She sat down on the other side of the table, her tablet in hand. 

I tilted my head at her. It was strange that she'd come to me. We were always friends but never entirely close. 

"Yeah, Siobhan?" I asked, prompting her when the silence became too prolonged. 

"Lena, does your brother drum?" she said, staring at her tablet screen. 

Will had only visited the Academy once or twice but each time he came, the girls had memorised my brother's face and physique. 

I raised a slight eyebrow, "Yeah. But it's a fairly new thing."

How did she know this? I, myself, had only seen him drum twice. 

"Check this out," Siobhan said, tapping a button on her tablet screen before turning it around for me to watch, "It's currently Number 43 on the Global Rock Viral Charts."

It was a YouTube video called Caught In The Middle. It had over a few million views and likes and a handful of dislikes. My eyes moved up to the thumbnail and my jaw promptly dropped. No friggin' way.

My brother clapped his hands together four times before the first strum of the guitars came through with Georgia's first chord. Georgia, Matt, Courtney, Jenna and Will... They were all there. 

"I won't get lost, for I am the master," Jenna sang into the professional-looking microphone, "Of lies and deceit, I'll make you a disaster.

My hand fluttered down to my pocket and I pulled out my phone. I tapped in speed dial for Will and pressed the ringing phone to my ear. 

The song kept playing as I waited but the phone went to voicemail. 

"Dammit," I muttered, pulling the phone away from my ear. 

"What's wrong, Lena?" Siobhan asked, "This song is beyond amazing. Who wrote it?"

"The blonde guitarist," I mumbled. It had her feel with the lyrics. 

"Do you think you could get their autographs for me?" Siobhan asked and I let out a nervous chuckle, "Sorry. Half of them won't do autographs."

I stood up, "Excuse me."

I hurried out of the dining room and stopped in the entrance hall. I tried calling Will again but it went to voicemail yet again. 

I ran into student reception, "Good morning Mrs Keyan."

She asked, "What can I do for you, Lena?"

"I need permission to go home this afternoon," I said in a rush, "It's important."

"Sorry but you know you can only leave school on weekends," Mrs Keyan frowned, "What's the emergency dear?"

That my dad was going to kill Will. 

I sighed, "Mrs Keyan, you know I'll catch up on all my work. You just have to trust me that this is... huge."

The lady frowned slightly but nodded, "I do trust you. If you get in trouble though, I didn't sign you out."

I gave her a massive grin, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

She handed me a slip of paper, "Now, run like the wind."

I ran right for the train station. 


I hadn't entered the hallways of Eastpoint High in years. I stood at the doorways, realising I had absolutely no idea where to go. 

"You lost?" a guy asked me. 

He was obviously my senior, according to his tall and bulky physique.  

I nodded slightly, looking around once more, "Do you know where I could find William Hart?"

"Will?" the guy asked, tilting his head. Something seemed to click in his eyes, "Oh! You're Lena!"

I blushed, "Is that a crime?"

The guy chuckled, "Not at all. I'm Justin. Let me take you to Will."

He placed a hand on the small of my back to begin guiding me through the slightly busy halls. Left. Right. Straight at the intersection. Right. Justin pushed open a set of double doors with one hand before showing me into the extremely crowded cafeteria. He kept his warm hand on my back, sending me slight shivers through my private school uniform that made me feel extremely out of place. 

Right in the middle of the cafeteria, sat a small group. Four girls and three boys had taken over the space, sitting on the tables, benches, using two tables when they could easily fit into one. Justin pointed, "He's there."

Will sat right next to Jenna, a relaxed smile on his face. The others chatted loudly. 

I thanked Justin with a smile, "Thanks!" 

Then I hurried to the table. I stopped right beside Will, crossing my arms and glaring down at him.

"Lena?" Jenna asked curiously, "What are you doing here?"

Will tilted his head up to face me and I scowled, "You're an idiot, Will!"

The smile wiped off his face, "What did I do?" 

"Dad's gonna kill you!" I whisper-shouted, "He'll... go to jail and you'll be six-feet-under. I'll be all by myself! How could you let your face be plastered on YouTube for something other than rugby?!"

Will stood up and placed his hands on my small shoulders, "Lena, calm down."

"I will not," I said quietly, "You could have at least given Dad a little warning rather than letting him just stumble across a video of you drumming."

"I thought you'd be happy," Will frowned, his hands moving down to his pockets of his pants.

"Don't get me wrong," I held up a hand, "I am happy you love drumming and are good at it but you can't let Dad see. He'll go off at you."

"Why shouldn't I let Dad see?" Will raised an eyebrow, taking me by surprise, "I don't give a fuck what he thinks. A long time ago, I realised he was planning my future for me. If I went the way he wanted me to, it wouldn't be my future, Len."

I bit my bottom lip, watching Will vent. I asked quietly, "You really think that?"

"Yeah," Will nodded slowly, "Are... you okay with that?"

"Sure," I whispered, "But what are you going to do about the UCLA scout?"

"What do you mean?" Will asked, "I'll play my best at that gala day and then just reject the offer."

"Will..." I said softly. My brother was seriously screwing up his life by being unorganised, "The gala day is on the 27th."


"So," Matt interrupted quickly, "That's the day of the band battle."

"It's fine," Will shrugged at him, "The gala day finishes at five. Band battle starts at six."

"Did you say the 27th?" Courtney asked quietly. She and Jenna had gone pale, I noticed. 

I nodded slowly, "Why?"

Courtney and Jenna's gazes met. 

Jenna gulped, "We'll be at AIS."


Song: Slow Hands - Niall Horan. 


Thoughts for next chapter?

This is just one problem in a world of them. 

xx Sharky. 

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