Chapter Eighteen

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"Do you mind just texting me the details?" Georgia asked on the phone, "It'll just be a bit easier..."

I refrained from sighing, "Don't you have to drop Nonna at Church anyway?"

"Well... yes," Georgia admitted, "but then I have to go grocery shopping and then to the tournament."

"And... you can't go grocery shopping now? Or after the tournament?"

"It's important that it's tomorrow."

She'd never been good at lying. 

I smirked, "I'll meet you at Church at 8."

She sighed, "Okay," and hung up.

I stood at the end of the pier, watching the sun set over the horizon in the far distance. The tip of the orange sun peeking over the hills far away sent bright colours shooting through the clouds in the sky. 

Such a bright sky for such a dull mood, I thought. 

I crouched down and then sat so my bare feet skimmed the cold water. Looking down into the dark blue, I couldn't see anything. We'd been told it goes downwards for kilometres. A jump of this pier if you couldn't swim would be able to kill you. 

That's why all the parents teach the kids around here to swim at a young age. 

It would be so easy for me... just to jump off this pier and not breathe. It would be a simple getaway from my old life. All the things I did to Georgia. My parents' deaths. 

But my anchor to this pier, keeping me from jumping were just those. Georgia and my parents' deaths. If I killed myself, Georgia would have no one in a matter of months. After losing my parents and if he lost me too, Mitch wouldn't be able to cope. Not even with Zoe. 

So I sighed and looked up to the sky. I brought my knees to my chest and murmured, "Why can't things be simple?"

My parents died in a car crash. It hadn't even made the news. 'Died on impact' the doctors had said. 'No pain' the doctors had said. 'Not their fault' the policeman had said. 

It didn't stop them from dying. It didn't stop me from having pain. It was definitely their fault for leaving me. 

That afternoon I had gone and graffitied across the police car that had given me the man that had delivered the news. The car had been parked right outside the station so it had been pretty easy for the cops to just walk out and handcuff me then and there.

Mitch had been doing God knows what that afternoon so Zoe had to come and get me. She and Mitch hadn't even been married then. Only engaged. But she immediately acted like a mother. 

When Mitch got through his two weeks grieving period, he acted like a father. 

That's probably why I acted so horribly. I'd always been troublesome. My real father had called me a devil - probably where Mrs Golder got the idea. But after his and my mother's deaths, I really did become something of a devil. 

Yet, for some reason, Georgia remained my best friend. She stayed as the girl I was in love with. And then, I stole her virginity and left her in the dust. 

I stood up from the pier and dusted off the back of my jeans, ready to walk back to the house.



I tapped my knees in a rhythm, waiting for Lena to come out. My hands moved down to the coffee table and I began hitting more furiously, creating a louder and faster beat. 

Stereotyping Rock (Stereotyping Series) | ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon