Chapter Thirty-Six

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"You came all the way from Newcastle to speak to me?" I asked, as a way of greeting.

The boy in the diner booth looked up quickly. His eyes scanned over me before his lips curved into a smile, "Maybe... Does that make me pathetic?"

Looking into his deep brown eyes I had a hard time remaining stoic. I let out a giggle, "It makes you a complete loser, Zach." I slid into the seat opposite him in the booth. I leaned down on the table, "What are you doing here?"

Zach stirred the chocolate milkshake in front of him with his straw before sighing, "I'm here because I made a fucking huge mistake and I want my girl back."

He ran a tanned hand through his dark brown hair and that made me cave. It was a habit of his to play with his hair when he was nervous and genuine. 

I smiled gently, "I missed you, Fowler."

Zach's lips curled up quickly as he nodded in return, "I missed you so much, Hart. I'm sorry, baby..."

"It's okay," I shook my head, "As long as I get to finish your milkshake and you buy me fries."

Zach let out a loud laugh, "Done!"



I swiped my hotel key card and unlocked the door. I felt around for a light switch and flicked it on before shutting the door behind me. 

I couldn't help but feel disappointed with the room. It was small, not much larger than my bedroom, with only an upright keyboard and a few types of guitars. I stepped further into the room, spying the box of kazoos in the corner.

I walked over to the rack of guitars and found a rickety bass. I plucked a string and the sound that came out made me shiver. I placed it back. I wasn't even going to spend time tuning that. So... how the frick was I supposed to practice? 

My phone began buzzing in my pocket and I pulled it out. Alex.

I sighed and accepted the call, "Hey Alex. What's wrong?"

"Whoever said anything was wrong?" he laughed, "I was just going to see how the first day went."

"It was tiring," I admitted, "All my muscles hurt and I still have another day to go."

He asked, "Have you bought Radox? You rub it on and it's beautiful at soothing all your muscles."

"You use it after soccer?"

"Yeah, it's bloody brilliant."

"Right..." I frowned. Where was this conversation supposed to go?

"Have you thought about what I asked?"

I refrained from smiling to myself, "I thought you gave me the-"

I paused. It all suddenly clicked.


"Alex..." I thought it through, "Could you do me a favour?"

"I suppose so? As long as it's not, like, dive off a cliff or anything..."

I rolled my eyes, "Could you get my spare key off Jenna and bring me my guitar?"

"Tonight?" he squeaked.

"Um, if you can?" I mumbled. 

Alex was silent for a long moment before agreeing, "I think so. Jenna's at her place?"

"I'll send her a message for you," I assured, "Thanks... really, thanks, Alex."

"Not a problem, Court. See you soon."

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