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3rd Person POV

Her golden curls framed her face messily as she bounced up and down in the line. Her bright green eyes flicked between her two best friends as she blurted information, "The drummer is dating the vocalist and the keyboardist is dating the lead guitarist! The bass guitarist is dating the drummer's best friend! How romantic!"

"Calm down," her friend with the light brown ponytail grinned, "We know you're obsessed. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be here."

"Oh, admit it," 'Goldilocks' laughed loudly, "You love The Mental Project."

They moved forward in line. The doors to the standing room only had just opened a few minutes ago but they'd been waiting in line since one o'clock.

"Secretly," her friend with frizzy blonde hair winked, "We'd never admit it to you though or you'd drag us everywhere!"

'Ponytail' nodded, "You've been going on for months about this one concert. Imagine the next one!"

'Goldilocks' just laughed again, "If they come here again, we are totally coming."

"What if they're really good digitally but suck live?" 'Frizzy' suggested, "You don't find out if you want to come again until tonight's over."

They presented their tickets to the security guards, showed their bags and then scanned the barcodes to enter the stadium. 

'Goldilocks' just shrugged, "I'd totally come again. I don't care how crap they are live; they're also good eye-candy."

"Can't argue that," 'Ponytail' admitted, "Especially the lead guitarist. What's his name again?"

"Matthew?" 'Goldilocks'' eyes widened, "No way! Will's so much cuter with the blonde hair, blue eyes thing."

"Will's the drummer, right?" 'Ponytail' asked.

"I think so," 'Frizzy' answered.

"There's only two guys in the band, anyway," 'Goldilocks' sighed, "There's Matt and Will, and then the bassist is Court. The vocalist is Jen and the keyboardist is Gee."

"I feel bad for their manager," 'Frizzy' giggled, "Dealing all the time with five teenagers who have their heads in the clouds."

"The manager's even younger," 'Goldilocks' enthused, "She's only seventeen! The others are nineteen."

"Is that legal?" 'Ponytail' smirked.

"I don't know," 'Goldilocks' shrugged, "But she's damn good at her job. They're amazing."

"Again," 'Ponytail' tilted her head slightly, "We can't argue that they're not good. They are. We just don't love them as much as you do."

"I don't think anyone will ever love them as much as I do," 'Goldilocks' smiled secretly to herself. 

Don't stereotype the rockers.


Song: At Last - Etta James.

I love you guys. So. Freaking. Much. 

Thanks for this journey with me. 

xx Sharky. 

Stereotyping Rock (Stereotyping Series) | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now