Chapter Seven

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I drummed on the wheel to the beat of What's My Age Again? As I waited in the parking lot. It had taken a lot of convincing to let me drive Jen home from cheerleading. Mr Blakely doesn't like me very much. 

The door squeaked open and I turned my head only to have my shirt collar tugged. Jenna's wide brown eyes stared up at me. Her nose was a centimetre from mine. She smelt like... sweat. She still wore her cheer clothes; I wasn't complaining too much. 

But it was weird. 

We were silent, staring at each other, in an abandoned parking lot with nothing to get away from. I breathed in. 

Did the words I said before finally click in her? 

Did she register that I loved her?

Jen whispered, "Why on Earth are you here?"

I gave her a small goofy grin, "Thought I should do something nice."

Her hold on my collar loosened and she took a step back before dropping her hands, "Okay... where's my dad?"

"Waiting for me to get back with you," I said, "so take your precious time."

Jen gave me a small laugh before running around the car to get into the passenger's seat. Then she grinned brightly, "Guess what?"

"What?" I repeated.

Jen began bouncing up and down in her seat as I started the car, "I got into AIS!"

"What?!" I repeated in bewilderment. 

She squealed, kicking her legs up in excitement, "I'm going to AIS next month!"

"That's... amazing, Jen," I grinned. 

The wide, toothy smile on her face was enough to show me that she really cared about this. Jen let out a loud sigh, "I am... so happy, Will."

Then she turned to me quickly, "Wanna celebrate?" Her smile had turned to thin and her eyes were dancing. 

"Like... right now?" I raised an eyebrow. We weren't at a party. We didn't need to be distracted. We were sitting in my car in an abandoned parking lot, for Christs' sakes. 

Jen nodded quickly, "I was thinking a Macca's run?"

Oh. Oh. Okay. 

I agreed hurriedly, "Yeah. A Macca's run. Sounds perfect."

Not as perfect as what I had been thinking but still okay...


I tossed my keys onto the kitchen counter and shrugged off my jacket. I rolled my neck, releasing the cracks. Then I sighed, falling into a chair. 

Long story short, we hadn't gotten to that Macca's run. 

I closed my eyes, pushing tonight's events out of my eyes but didn't succeed. 

"I need a cold shower," I said aloud to myself, standing up and grabbing my jacket. 

I walked down the steps into the living room and was suddenly hit by a bright light. I closed my eyes again, rubbing them. When I opened my eyes, they fell on the tall, stocky man on the couch. 

He frowned deeply at me, "William."

"Dad?" I raised an eyebrow, "Aren't you supposed to be in Macau?"

"Hong Kong," he corrected, "And the meeting got cancelled halfway there. Turned around."

He stood up and crossed his arms, glaring steadily at me, "I got home at nine. I expected to see you at your desk, studying. You weren't."

Stereotyping Rock (Stereotyping Series) | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now