Chapter Four

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People say things. These things are called rumors. There's also a reason on why I hate reasons, things and therefore most people.

Matthew Wellington's List On Rumours Created About Him:

One) I'm a regular smoker, druggo and drinker. I don't smoke, I don't do drugs and I only drink at parties. 

Two) I'm gay. I have been in love with the same girl since I was four.

Three) I'm the one who killed my parents. No, that fuckhead actually went to jail.

Four) I went to England for a year because I was sent to juvie. I only stayed for six months and I was there for... other reasons.

I'd arrived on Saturday, freaking Mitch and Zoe out. Mitch was shocked that I was home early, Zoe was shocked that I'd broken the front door lock to get in since I'd lost my keys. Sunday, I'd skipped out on Church, knowing she'd be there.

I'd spent that day unpacking instead. I even manage to convince Mitch to let me have the first day of school off to get over my jet lag. 

Truth: I didn't have jet lag. I didn't sleep on the plane at all and had stayed awake all day Saturday, solving my jet lag in one massive hit. I'd just wanted to get out of another rumour on my weekday back:

Five) I fucked the school's Golden Girl, Georgia James and left her... Not entirely a rumour.


I did up the last button of the school shirt. I'd had to get Mitch to buy me new shirts since my old ones were too small. All that time in England had made me put on quite some muscle. 

I slipped into the black leather school shoes and tied the laces quickly. My phone buzzed on my dresser. I leant over it, picking it up. 


Allie is typing...

I put the phone in my pocket and grabbed the school bag from the foot of my bed. It wasn't until I got downstairs that my phone buzzed again. 


Allie Drew

I unlocked my phone with one hand, dumping my bag by the staircase. I read the message, walking into the kitchen. 

Allie - Where were you yesterday? I didn't see you at school.

I sighed, sitting on a kitchen stool. 

Matt - I didn't go to school.

Allie - You sick? Should I bring over soup?

Matt - No. 

Allie - Are you ok? I didn't do something wrong, right?

I contemplated toying with her and saying it was all her fault but I wasn't that cruel. 

Matt - No, it's not you.

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