Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Three knocks followed.

I let out a muffled groan. I was still tired and it was a weekend. Let me sleep.


I groaned out, "Let them have sleep."

Instead of walking away, the devil in disguise opened my bedroom door, "I said we need to go!"

I let out a loud yawn. Go to what? What's today? It's Sunday... Sunday. Crap. 

"What's the time?!" I shouted, flipping my head up from my pillow.

There was momentary silence before my older brother's dark voice muttered, "What happened here?"

"Huh?" I rubbed my eyes, still out of it. 

And then I realised the problem. Blushing deeply, I glanced from Will to the sleeping boy beside me and back up to Will.

I smiled weakly, "We're both sixteen?"

He just scowled at me, "I expect you downstairs in half an hour." He slammed the door behind him. 

"What's the time?!" Zach shouted, jumping from his peaceful place on the bed. 

I sighed at him before looking up at my wallclock, "It's 3."

Crap... I missed Will's gala day. 

"Ugh," Zach frowned, "I have to catch the bus in an hour."

I turned to face him, laying my head back down. I traced patterns on the skin of his chest, "What do you think about staying one more night?"

Zach smiled sleepily at me, "I'd love to, Len, but my parents want me back for school tomorrow."

I scoffed, "Are your parents even home?"

"Well," Zach admitted, "No. They're in Singapore at the moment."

"Then who cares?" I shrugged, "It's just one day off of school."

Zach began to shake his head, responsibly.

"One more day with me," I sang softly, staring into his brown eyes.

Zach studied me for another moment, "One more night. That's it. And then... I'll be back down in a fortnight."

I grinned up at him, "I missed you, Zach..."

"I love you, Len."

"I love you too, baby," I pressed my lips to his cheek.


"Where's Courtney?" I asked, running up to the group lacking of one. 

Jen tucked her phone into her pocket, "There's traffic on the highway. She's going to be another fifteen minutes."

"But soundcheck is now," I frantically explained, "You guys are supposed to be tuning everything right now."

"We can go without the soundcheck," Matt assured, "We just need her here by the time the show starts."

Gee shook her head, "She needs to double check her guitar will hook up to the system."

"I think she's okay," Jen nodded, "Her guitar's one of the latest models. It should hook up to almost anything."

"And you're sure about that?" I raised an eyebrow. 

Jen smiled gently, "Ninety-per-cent."

Gee's phone chimed and she pulled it out. She frowned at the screen quizzically before looking up at my brother. She glanced quickly to Zach. 

I sighed, "What are the two of you talking about?"

Gee scowled at Zach, "He's the guy that dumped you, isn't he?"

I blushed, tucking hair behind my ears, "And we're back together."

"I don't like you," she said bluntly to Zach. 

His eyebrows rose, "Oh."

"I agree," Will muttered, crossing his arms. 

Zach nodded slowly to himself, "Okay..."

Jen's phone rang and she pulled it out of her pocket. She lifted up a finger and took a step back, "Hey Alex. What? Hold on, say it again? What the fuck do you mean?"

My blood froze over. 

What was happening? 

Zach's hand found mine and he whispered, "What's going on?"

I shook my head slowly but smiled awkwardly up at him, "Thanks."

Zach kissed my forehead and I didn't miss the glare Will threw him. I wasn't so little anymore, big bro. 

I'm not what you say I am... but at the same time, I am. 


Song: Hallelujah - Theory of a Deadman

Our little Lena is all grown up, guys. 

xx Sharky. 

Stereotyping Rock (Stereotyping Series) | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now