Chapter Twelve

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I hesitated slightly when I walked into the cafeteria. I narrowed my eyes at the table I'd been planning to sit down at. 

Fuck William Hart. 

I glanced quickly around the cafeteria before making a decision I'd probably regret later. 

Courtney cut herself off and stared at the table I'd been staring at. Courtney's long brown hair swished back as she attempted to calm down Jenna. And then I worked out exactly what William Hart was doing, sitting at Georgia James' table. 

Double fuck William Hart.

Courtney reached up and swiped Jenna's hair away from her face, "Jenna... he's not worth it."

I sat down before I could hesitate again, "Agreed."

Both girls turned to me. Jenna seemed to be frozen in her seat. Courtney raised an eyebrow at me. I glanced between the two of them. The two prettiest girls at Eastpoint High, neither of them attached. 

"What?" I scoffed at their accusing glares, "I'm not going to sit with Gee and Julia when they're with William."

Jenna sighed, the first sign of living from her, "Go sit with someone else."

I shook my head, smirking slightly, "I would, but I don't like anyone else in the school than Gee and Julia. At least, I tolerate you two."

Courtney rolled her kohl-rimmed eyes, "Whatever."

Jenna shrugged in reply. 

I watched Courtney's kohl-rimmed lids for a second too long. Why did she need to apply that black makeup around them when they were already so big on their own? 

I looked away. Jenna was stabbing her lunch angrily. I couldn't blame her. I was considering using my pocket-knife to cut William's face up at the moment. 

We sat in silence for the rest of lunch but I didn't mind. At least I had some company that didn't completely hate me. 


I walked out of the main doors after school. I made my way down the first few steps, watching the ground beneath me when a hand shot out. It landed on my chest. I looked up, following the thin, Latino skin to the owner. 

I raised an eyebrow at the beautiful girl but her eyes were narrowed on a car in front of us. 

I followed Courtney's eyesight to where Georgia was leaning against the side of a beautiful, beautiful sports car. I couldn't see the markings though to tell what it was. Just that it was expensive, from the cuts. 

My eyes shifted to the boy approaching her. 

Triple fuck William Hart. 

He approached her with a wide grin and he said something I couldn't hear. Georgia nodded and they both got into the car. It wasn't until they both drove off that I realised Courtney's hand was still on my chest. 

I looked back down at it and then to her in questioning. 

Courtney crossed her arms, turning to face me. She frowned slightly, "I don't like this."

"Obviously, neither do I," I admitted.

Courtney rolled her eyes, "I know you don't. I'm not an idiot."

"What?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I see the way you look at her," she smiled sadly, "You love her, right?"

"Yeah..." I murmured. Where was she going with this?

Courtney nodded, "But she hates you. What you did was a dick move."

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