Chapter Forty-Two

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"Is this Matthew Wellington?"

"Yes, this is," I replied, sitting on the stone steps, "Who am I speaking to?"

I was supposed to be helping out but they were almost done anyway.

The lady on the phone introduced herself, "My name is Stacy Wilkins. I'm the head representative for Golden Records. A contact gave me your number. I'm guessing you're the lead guitarist?"

"That's me," I grinned whilst keeping my voice professional, trying to keep the teenage excitement out of my voice, "I suppose you'd want to speak to my manager?"

Stacy chuckled, "That would be perfect, Mr Wellington. Do you have their number on you?"

"Not right now but I can get it for you in a moment," I said standing up. I spun in a slow circle trying to locate Lena, the self-nominated manager. 

She was talking with her boyfriend down near the stage. 

I rushed down the steps and interrupted their conversation, holding a finger over the microphone, "Lena, it's Stacy Wilkins from Golden Records. She wants your number."

Her blue eyes widened in shock, "Oh my god, are you serious?"

I nodded quickly, "Deadly."

She squealed loudly before rattling her number off for me to recite to Stacy.

We might have just scored a record deal. 


As expected, Caught in the Middle was perfect. We hit every part perfectly. And, dare I say, it was better than Liking You's song Heroes. 

Jen didn't sing as passionately as she has before but she still sang flawlessly. Georgia harmonised perfectly in the chorus, leaving a glamorous mark on her name. Courtney and I played the guitars together in the best amount of synchronisation we've ever done. Will was... well, Will rocked the guitar as lovingly as he always does.

But Caught in the Middle wasn't our song being pressured. It wasn't our song that we've all placed uncertainty around. 

No, because that title belongs to I'm Healing, Baby. 

The stage was in complete darkness with us on it, like Jen had asked until she finished her opening. Courtney murmured beside me, "We can do this, right?"

"We'll be perfect, Court," I whispered back. Yet, I knew I didn't even believe that completely. 

And then Jen's beautiful voice clouded us again.

"You tear me down," she breathed out. 

I hadn't heard what Will and Georgia had planned yet so as the lights flickered on and they hit their first notes, all I could think of was the flawless accent on the keys and the hammers. 

Somehow, for the introduction, they'd managed to imitate Jenna's chorus through the keys and our guitars on the drumkit. Then it changed suddenly to the block chords Jenna had instructed for, before moving back to the imitation. 

It was so bloody brilliant and complimentary that I almost forgot to fall into the verse. Courtney nudged me in time for us to move. 

"You tear me down," Jen began softly, "Down into pieces... pieces that crumble," her voice raised quickly and loudly, "Crumble like marble!"

There was a glorious moment where Gee, Court and I filled the silence with strums and block chords before Jenna came back in to the next verse, her voice dangerous, dark but still holding the same style, "My skin is raw, my passion fiery, yet never have I ever met a pain this horribly..." And then she moved into the chorus. 

The audience began tapping along and I breathed out a sigh of relief. We'd done it. 

We'd pulled the song off. I didn't miss Courtney's bright grin beside me as she stared subtly at my hands, mimicking and translating the chords. My eyes moved across the stage to greet Georgia's. 

She mouthed, "I love you."

"I love you, too."


Song: Yellow - Coldplay


xx Sharky. 

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