Chapter Twenty-Six

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^Gif is of Allie Drew! I finally found a face claim. 


Dad wheeled me into my bedroom. He spun me around in the middle of the room and went to reach for my hands but I shoved them off me, standing up to balance on one leg. Scowling, I fell across my covers of my bed. My leg cramped and I let out a loud groan. 

Mum hesitantly asked from the doorway, "Can I get you anything, Jen?" 

I groaned in reply, stuffing my head into my pillow. 

"Maybe we can get the team to come-" Dad started.

I simply lifted a hand, cutting him off. I then pointed to the door. 

Dad sighed and I heard his heavy footsteps walk out of the room. Mum murmured, "William said he'd come over later with some company. Are you okay with that?"

I didn't bother to reply at all. 

It was once the bedroom door was closed, that I finally twisted on the sheets so I was facing the ceiling. No sport for ten. freaking. weeks. 

No AIS. 

My hand slapped down on my bedside table as I grabbed my musicbook and pencil. 

I stared down at the chorus, finding, finally, the issue. I swapped the word breaking for healing. I nodded in appreciation. That would keep me positive. 



"So where are you staying at the moment?" I asked, gripping my phone tightly to one ear.

My brother's voice crackled through the speaker; my school had horrible reception. He answered, "Matt Wellington's. I'm not sure how long for but for a while, I think. Until I can move into the dorm at New South."

"Will," I sighed, "You're practically famous now. Surely you can get a place somewhere."

"The real world doesn't work like that," he scowled, "I wish it did, but it doesn't."

"Is dad even allowed to disown you, though? He's your father, he can't just do that."

"I'm eighteen, Len. I'm an adult and he doesn't have any responsibility for me anymore. At all."

I kept my voice from shaking, "Christmas will be awkward."

Will's hearty chuckle came from the other end of the line. There was a slight racket in the background before Will shouted, "Can you turn the music down slightly, Gee?!"

"Georgia's there too?" I gasped, "Will!"

He replied quietly, "Her, um, grandma died the other week... Mitch, Matt's older brother, has legal custody over her until her eighteenth."

"Oh," my mood dampered.

Will asked, "Are you going to come to the Battle of the Bands?"

"Thinking about it," I said honestly, "I'm just not sure if I'll be allowed any more time off of school this term. I'll try to convince them, though."

"Perfect," Will laughed, "Try, please. I really want you to be there."

"I promise I'll try. No guarantee they'll say yes, though," I said, "I have class in five so I have to go."

"See you, sis."

"Bye Will."



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