Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I blinked once, zoning into who was at the door of the darkroom. I pressed my lips together tightly. Dammit, Matt... I glanced across at Georgia. She was rooted to the spot, staring blankly at the linoleum in front of her. Fuck, Matt...

I broke her. Again. I watched as her lips moved to mouth the word, 'Abortion'. Then she jumped a foot in the air, letting out a cry, "Why...?"

Courtney stepped into the room, "Gee, are you-"

"Why?!" she screamed, gripping the table behind her, "Why do you always do this to me?!"

"I-I... I don't," I stumbled over my words, watching as she let out a frantic yelp, bringing her hand to her mouth. 

"You... you always find some way to make things right, destroy them, and then make it right again before annihilating it. It's a constant fucking loop, Matt! I hate it, I hate you and I hate how you make me feel!"

And then she fled the room, Courtney on her heels. 

My mouth fell open slightly at the last phrase. She hates me?

It was just me alone with my thoughts before Alex eventually piped up, "Matt, if I can tell you anything I know from what I just saw... she doesn't hate you at all. She loves you so much that it makes her sick from how loyal she is to you. I bet you could commit bloody murder and she'd still love you, mate."

He grabbed a stack of ruined photos from the table. 

He nodded politely at me before mumbling to himself, "I guess these are going into the 1940s pile..."



"Dad?" my voice wavered slightly across the phone.

"Hi Lena," he answered, "What is it? I'm kind of busy, right now. Make this quick."

"I want to go back to public school," I cut to the chase like he asked.

There was silence for a moment. 

Across the phone, I heard him say, "Can you excuse me, please? This call is urgent."

There was the sound of a door closing and then his voice came in much more clearly, "Why on earth would you want to go back to public school? You have a great education, good friends and a bright future ahead of you. Why would you join your brother at a place that can't give you any of that?"

I rolled my eyes slightly. Did he ever even read my reports? I answered, "I'm teaching myself because I'm smarter than most of the teachers there, Dad. I have no friends because they're all snobby rich-girls and I can get a bright future anywhere. I already have a Bachelor in Psychology and a Masters in Educational Psychology and I'm only sixteen."

"When did you get all these degrees?"

"When Mum was here."

Then, there was an even longer amount of silence. 

He sighed loudly, "What are you suggesting, Lena?"

"I go back to Eastpoint High," I replied, "And live at the house with Will. He's old enough to look after me full-time."

"He's not yet eighteen, Lena," Dad said, "And Will's not living at the house. I don't know where he's moved to."

"I know," I moved my opposite hand into a small fist, slightly upset with Dad's ignorance, "Will and I talk every few days. And his eighteenth birthday was two entire months ago, Dad."

Even more silence. I could practically feel the cogs whirring in his brain from the other side of the phone line. Dad didn't want to say yes because it would mean giving into Will. But Dad barely ever said no to me. 

"Fine," Dad said quietly, "Finish up this week at the school. I'll send in your unenrollment forms tonight. In the meantime... call Will and let him know. I don't want to speak to him but call me on Friday."

And that was the end of our conversation. He hung up after that. 

A large grin covered half of my face as I slid my phone back into my pocket. I would be able to go back to Eastpoint... full-time.



Mitch yelled from downstairs, "All three of you, down here, now!"

I sighed in synchronisation with Matt. We'd been helping each other with the math homework. Usually, Georgia would help me but she wasn't exactly in a giving mood, today.

We abandoned the math books and pens and stood up. Matt opened his bedroom door, revealing Georgia. She was dawdling past the bedroom door and then down the stairs. 

"Have you spoken to her?" I asked.

The first thing Matt had done, yesterday, when we got home, was tell me about the darkroom incident. I couldn't hold a grudge against either of them, no matter how much I was trying to. 

Matt shook his head, "No... I'm going to get Zoe to speak to her for me, after dinner."

We made it to the bottom of the stairs where Georgia was leaning against the bannister. Both Jenna and Courtney stood at the front door, talking with Mitch, quietly. 

I whispered to Georgia, "What's going on?"

She shrugged blankly, staring at the two girls. 

"Jen?" I asked, interrupting the trio's conversation.

She glanced up at me before smiling, leaning on her crutches, "I had an idea."

"A very good one," Courtney enthused.

"The School Battle of the Bands is in ten days," Jenna said, "If we want to win this, we need to fix our morale."

Georgia muttered, "I'm not in the mood for this right now."

"That's what I'm talking about," Jen sighed, "Since when haven't you been in the mood to play music! You told me a month ago that you always used to play the piano when you'd had a bad day. Am I wrong?"

Georgia shook her head gently but her eyes still showed reluctance. 

I raised an eyebrow at Jenna, "So what's this great idea?"

"It's Thursday night," she stated. 

That was obvious.

She continued with a roll of her eyes, "Which means it's open mic night at Narrow Mice. We're playing, no obligations, and we're going to let out all of our horrible emotions."

"What horrible emotions?" I asked.

Jen rolled her eyes before pointing at us individually, "Matt's been stoic, you've felt guilty for no reason at all, Gee's been upset, I've been angry and Courtney's been..." she trailed off, unspoken words travelling between the pair. 

Her brown eyes focused back on me with a slight glare, "We're playing Damn You and we're going to develop a proper fanbase, not the YouTube kind."


Song: Song 2 - Blur


Sorry that it has taken so long for me to get a chapter out but I've just been so busy with everything lately! Everything's piling on top of each other, yet I was sick at home today so I could get some Wattpadding done.

xx Sharky. 

(BTW, if you haven't read F.A.I.T.H. by @JoPRBooks then I suggest you go do that now.) 

Stereotyping Rock (Stereotyping Series) | ✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu