Chapter Twenty-Five

18 3 13

^Is that Annabeth Chase? No, it's Allie Drew. Look forward to it. 



Coach Hayes praised, "Good work today, Blakely."

My hands almost dropped my gym bag as I jumped in shock. I glanced to her before allowing myself a smile, "Thanks, Coach."

Courtney winked at me from her locker as I passed.

"See you tomorrow," Court said, pulling on her sweater. 

I rushed out to the parking lot and glanced around. I admit I'd been hoping for a few weeks now that Will would come and surprise me here again but I don't think he will. It was enough of a shock the first time. My eyes landed on dad's car and I took a step across the road. 

"Jenna!" Elise shouted from the gym door, making me glance back over my shoulder. She smiled brightly and waved enthusiastically, "Have a good night!"

"Thanks!" I replied, "You too-"

I cut myself off when her happy expression moved into one of panic. 

I turned my head and everything seemed to slow down. It felt like I had all the time in the world but my feet wouldn't move. I just braced myself.

The pain enveloped me quickly enough. 



"She's going to be fine," Dr Evans assured me, "She's asleep at the moment but nothing too serious really happened. She has a slight spiral fracture on her anterior tibia bone which will take about eight weeks recovery with ten weeks of no sport. There's a slight bump on the head too but just a normal one. We've examined her and there's no head injury involved."

Jenna's mum whispered, "Ten weeks without sport?"

AIS... I ran a hand over my face. Jenna will freak. Coach Hayes will flip out too. 

Her mum placed a hand on my back in comfort as the doctor nodded, "Any shorter than that and there'll be a high chance of reinjury, I'm afraid."

Jenna's dad just sighed, "Of course, Dr Evans. Thanks for the help."

He smiled politely before walking off. Jenna's mum moved her warm hand away, "She's not going to like this."

Her dad scowled, "It's her fault for fooling around in the middle of the carpark."

"The driver wasn't even looking at the road!" Mrs Blakely yelled back in the hospital waiting room, "He was on his stupid phone..." her face crumpled, "My poor baby..."

Mr Blakely didn't do anything to reassure his wife that what the doctor had said was correct. The doors to the hospital opened, letting a cold breeze waft through. I shivered in my thin sweatshirt and gym shorts with joggers. My bare legs were shaking. 

I glanced up to see the newcomers. I leapt up at the familiar blonde hair, "Will!"

I ran to him and he quickly held me in a tight hug before letting go, "Is Jen okay? I-I... her dad called me."

I grabbed his arm gently and led him over to Mr and Mrs Blakely, "She's sleeping, right now. She got hit by a car outside the gym."

Will went, impossibly, more rigid, "Is she alright?! Hit by a car?!"

"She bumped her head slightly but the doctor said that's fine," I gave him the good bit first, "but... she broke her leg. She's out of sport for ten weeks."

Stereotyping Rock (Stereotyping Series) | ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें