His Promposal ~Pt 2~

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I need to finish this series...

Tyler- straight up asks you out cause he's not a "pussy"

Tyler's POV

"Come on man, you just gotta ask her already! The end of ticket sales is tomorrow!" My friend Evan lectures me. He had already asked out his boyfriend Johnathan with a (predictable) blue bear. Johnathan's reaction made me smile, causing me to smile right now. "Hey man, you okay?" Evan's voice brought me back to my senses. "Yeah, just replaying the moment where Johnathan literally tackled you to the ground, kissing you on the lips while giggling like the maniac bitch he is." I wheeze while Evan turns bright red. "Well at least I had the balls to do so! You still need to ask Y/N!" The bell rings, signaling the end of lunch and for all of the students to head to their final class. "I don't know man, I just want it to be special." Evan slings his backpack over his shoulder and placed a hand on my own. "You can do it, to just have to stop being a pussy." Ok that just ticked me off.

~time skip~

The final bell rang, ending class for the day. I had twenty bucks in my pocket so that I could buy the tickets if Y/N says yes to go to prom with me. Evan's words rang in my head as I walked over to Y/N's last class. "You can do it, you just have to stop being a pussy." Y/N walks through the door of their classroom and heads in my direction. "Hey babe!" Y/N smiles. "Hey there Y/N." I grab their hand and head off towards the front of the school. "So Y/N, I have a question." Y/N looks at me with a confused look. "Will you go to prom with me?" Y/N jumps on top of me giggling. "Of course I will!"

Craig- asks you out in-game

Craig's POV-

"So, Y/N will be on soon and I need your guys' help asking them to prom." Currently, Evan, Tyler, David, Brock, Lui and I are currently in a good server together. I had asked them earlier if they wanted to record a video because I didn't have any for backup, when instead I was going to ask them for help. "So you guys understand the plan, right?" Nervousness laced my speech. "Don't focking worry Craig, we got this. Just go and do yer part." David reassures. I head off to a mountain top and start setting up my surprise for Y/N.


I log into GTA V and load up skype. My controller finishes connecting to the system and an invitation to a group call from Tyler pops up on my second monitor. When I accept the invite, I am greeted with a bunch of yelling somewhat adults. "Jesus fucking christ will SHUT UP?!" They all go silent and I giggle to myself, "Thank you!" I pull out a rocket launcher and shoot the group of friends, causing their yelling to continue once again. The list of people appear on the side of my screen, when I notice Craig was here but wasn't speaking. "Hey you guys, where's Craig?" Lui's character runs over to mine. "He had to go do something real quick before he could start recording. I only mumble a response and get back into the game.

IamWildcat was killed by Dathidenogla

"Aw fuck! Come here ya little Irish bastard!" Tyler runs after David's character with a sniper rifle while Evan, Brock, Lui and I just laugh our assessment off. Suddenly, an evil thought comes to my mind. I slowly sneak away from the three bystanders, pull out a C4, and lay a ton behind the three men. I start laughing while making my character run past them, making them confused. Their question is answered when an explosion from behind kills them all.

VanossGaming was killed by (Y/Gamer/N)
LuiCalibre was killed by (Y/G/N)
Moosnuckle was killed by (Y/N/G)

"Triple kill bitches!" Everyone just laughs.

Craig's POV

I can hear her laugh and it's only making me more nervous. What if she says no? What if she finds me awkward? I shake off the negative thoughts and message Evan, commencing part two of my plan.

C- All set to go. Just need you and the guys to get her here somehow.
E- I got this, I don't need any help.

"Hey Y/N, Craig messaged me, asking you to help him with some sort of stunt or setup for a video." Evan says, not too long after. "Okay, tell him I'm on the way." Her little marker on the mini map slowly makes its way toward me.

C- Thanks man.
E- No problem, good luck!

She arrives about ten minutes later, her character stumbling every now and then due to the steep slope of the mountain. "What do you- what's this?" In front of her stood the word, 'Prom?' written in bullet holes on the side of the building. She laughed and types on her keyboard.

Y/N- Of course I'll go to prom with you. BTW that's really cute.

I did a silent dance in my gaming chair and went back to gaming with my friends. Today was a great day for me...

Yay, part two is done! The next part in this series is being thought out right now, so be sure to look forward to that. Be sure to send in requests, and see you soon.

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