Chapter One

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-Catherine on side-

I woke up at 4am and realized Zayn and I were cuddling. My head was on his chest and his arms were around me. I kissed his cheek and carefully got up before jumping in the shower. I quietly did my hair and got dressed before writing a note for Zayn who was still sleeping.

"Zayn -

Hello(: it's about 5:25 as I'm writing this and I'm heading out but you're still asleep. I'm goin to work but you can go whenever. Just send me a text and lock the door behind you(:

PS: if you come down to Starbucks you may see the 'hot' barista Harry told you about! I heard she works here(;


I walked over to work and got a text around 9am.

"Zayn Malik

Hey, love! I'm up(: I'm locking the door behind me as I type this and I'm walking over to see this barista you mentioned(;"

I made a couple drinks for people and saw Zayn walking up. There was an important looking woman in front of him and she ordered 10 drinks. I was the only one working so I had to make all 10 by myself while my coworker went to a doctors appointment and I was not happy. I finally got her out and Zayn walked up.

"Hello. Hmm, I'd like a..." He trailed off, trying to irritate me.

"Zayn." I groaned a bit. He laughed and told me what he wanted. I started making it and he scared the hell out of me when he wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"Lord, you scared me!" I gasped.

"I can tell by the way you almost screamed." He laughed. I blushed and made him go back out front.

"Watch it with the teasing. I am handling your drink, after all." I laughed and his attitude changed.

"That's what I thought." I chuckled. We talked for a while until people started coming in again. He sat in the corner where no one could see his face but me and he kept making faces at me, making me laugh. When things slowed down again I got a text.

"Zayn Malik

We still on for lunch?(:"

I looked up at him and nodded which made him smile. Around noon my colleague got back and apologized for being gone so long.

"Do you think I could take off a little early?" I asked her.

"You took the heat for me for like 4 hours. Go." She smiled. I took my apron off and walked over to Zayn.

"She's letting me leave early. We can go get lunch now." I explained and he stood up. He saw a couple paps so he gave me his sunglasses and hat since we were going to get seen anyway and he figured he should protect me more than himself. We walked to a random restaurant and got a booth in the back away from everyone.

"So what's gonna happen now? Are we just going to forget this ever happened and you can go back to your life and I'll go back to mine?" I asked.

"I'd like to think we can be friends, personally. If you don't want to that's okay." He shrugged.

"Hmm. Amazingly nice, attractive 19 year old man who lives not too far from me and can sing, and has a killer body. That's a difficult choice." I laughed.

"I love the fact that you don't mention the band. Most girls would." He smiled a little.

"Well if I'm going to be friends with you it's going to be because I like you as a person, not because you're in a band. For all I knew, you could've been a complete douche and I could've hated you. I don't think people should really consider the band when they meet you." I shrugged as I took a drink of my Coke.

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