Chapter Fifteen

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He was knelt down in front of me as I covered my mouth with my hands. He looked extremely nervous and I realized I was freaking him out. I knew I was going to say yes but I was in shock, and I was crying a little too. 

"Oh get up here." I laughed through tears and pulled him up. I cupped his face and kissed him. 

"I'm guessing that's a yes?" He smiled a little. 

"Of course I'll marry you, you dork." I chuckled and he kissed me. 

"Lord, I didn't even see the ring." I realized as he wiped my face off. He showed it to me and I gasped. 

"Oh my God, that's the one I was looking at!" I gasped. 

"Lauren sent it to me." He chuckled and I kissed him again. He slid it on my finger and I was shaking really bad. 

"Before you ask, yes I did ask your mum, dad, Casey, Maddie, Caleb, and Lauren all for permission." He stopped me from asking my next question and kissed me. 

"Wait, what was the ring in your drawer?" I pulled away. 

"It was a test to see if you really did want a simple ring." He smirked and I blushed. 

"You want to call Lauren?" He laughed a little and I nodded. 

"Go ahead." He smiled. I pulled out my phone and called my best friend. 

"Hey, Cat." She smiled. 

"Hey, Laur." I smiled. 

"You've been crying. Oh my God, did Zayn-" She started. 

"Yes!" I laughed. 

"Oh my God!" She squealed a little. 

"Holy crap Jacob just went crazy." She laughed. She was about 25 weeks and their baby evidently kicked a lot. 

"Well, I'm gonna go lay down so this little guy will calm down a little bit, and you go enjoy your first night as an engaged couple." She laughed a little and we hung up. 

"Why don't you go get ready for bed and I'll show you some of the stuff I got earlier?" I teased as I kissed Zayn's neck. He pulled me back to the bedroom and I grabbed the bag. He had put the entire bag in, not looking at what else I had bought which made me smile. I grabbed one of the things I had bought and walked out. 

"Holy shit." He gasped. 

"Is it that bad?" I looked down at it. He pulled me in and kissed me hard. 

"Bad? Babe, you wearing that is the sexiest thing I've ever seen." He breathed. 

"I'm glad."

We went home around 3pm the next day and I got a call from my mum. 

"Cat, we haven't seen you guys in a few weeks. Can you guys come over for dinner?" She asked. 

"Do we want to go over to my parents' for dinner?" I asked Zayn quietly. 

"Sure." He pecked my lips. 

"Sure, Mum. What time do you want us to come over?" I smiled. 

"6 sound good?" She wondered. 

"Sure." I grinned and we hung up. 

"Can you promise me something?" I hugged Zayn. 

"What's that?" He mumbled into my hair. 

"Promise we'll go back to the cabin at least 3 times a year. More than that could be difficult but it's so nice and it was actually really romantic. I loved it." I whispered. 

"Of course. I agree too." He kissed me. 

"Hell, if we could I'd say we should go once a month or more." He added. 

"I agree. I have an idea." I pecked his lips. 

"And what is that, my love?" He asked. 

"I have a couple things that I got yesterday that you still haven't seen. We have 3 hours before my parents are expecting us, I say we have time for some fun and a shower before then." I told him and he smiled. 

"God I love you." He smiled. 

We walked in and my mum kissed our cheeks. 

"So, we have a little something to tell you, but you can't tell your brothers. We're gonna tell them tomorrow." She said during dinner. 

"What's that?" I asked and took a bite of my salad. 

"Since your father and I were nearly divorced and we've been taking things slow, we've gotten engaged again and we're gonna do an unofficial wedding to celebrate us being back together. In the eyes of the law we never got divorced and are still married but this is for us." My mum explained and I gasped. 

"Oh my God!" I gasped. I stood up and hugged them both. My mum hugged Zayn too and we all sat down. 

"We also have a bit of news." I added as Zayn grabbed my hand under the table. 

"And what may that be?" My dad asked as he took a drink of his beer. 

"We're engaged." I smiled. My mum got really excited and hugged us. 

"I will admit, I wasn't too sure about you two at first, but after Zayn asked for permission to marry you and after I really looked at how well he's treated you I realized you guys really are good together." My dad smiled. 

"He asked you two and Case and Caleb and the girls too." I squeezed his hand. 

"Okay, so how did he propose?" My mum asked. 

"We went out to dinner and then he said we were going somewhere else after so we drove a little ways and pulled up to this little cabin. I was so confused but it was adorable. We walked in and sat by the fireplace and talked until he suggested we dance a little. We did and he randomly spun me around and when I went to look back at him he was down on one knee." I started. 

"I did my little speech kind of thing and she just kind of stood there stunned for a minute. She finally pulled me up and told me yes after freaking me out a little." Zayn laughed a little. 

"I didn't actually say yes really. I pulled him up, kissed him, and when he asked if that was a yes I said, 'Of course I'll marry you, you dork.'" I laughed. 

"I still can't believe my baby girl is getting married." My dad commented. 

"I'm not quite 22 like you teased about but I'm almost 21. It's close." I shrugged. 

"I don't care about that anymore. You two have been together a while and you really care about each other. That's all that matters." My dad explained. I hugged him and my mum again before sitting back down with Zayn. We all ate dinner together and had a fantastic time. 

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