Chapter Twelve

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I was woken up by my stomach in shooting pain. I flinched and curled up more into a ball. Zayn and I had been spooning really close and it woke him up. 

"You okay?" He mumbled, half asleep. 

"My stomach hurts a little but I'm fine." I said through my teeth a little.  

"No you're not. What's wrong?" He frowned as he woke up more. 

"My stomach hurts a little." I shrugged. I sat up and stood up to go to the bathroom but I was half hunched over. I couldn't really stand up straighter than that. 

"I'm getting clothes on and we're going to the hospital. Obviously you're in serious pain." He stood up. 

"Zayn-" I started. 

"You haven't had your appendix out, this could be your appendix and if it is it needs to be taken care of now. Can you get a sweatshirt on?" He asked. I grabbed a zip up of his and put it on over the yoga pants and tank top I had worn to bed. He helped me get my boots on and grabbed our phones before we got in the car. 

"Hello, how can I help you?" The woman at the front desk asked. 

"My girlfriend's stomach hurts and I think it might be her appendix." Zayn spoke up as he rested a hand on my back. 

"How long has it been hurting?" She wondered. 

"Since about 9 but it was just throbbing then." I told her. It was nearly 3am and had been hurting for a while. 

"That's been a while. We'll get you the next available doctor." Her eyes widened and we nodded. 

"Jesus, this hurts." I cursed and Zayn rubbed my back as we sat down. 

"Catherine Thompson?" A doctor asked a little later. Zayn and I stood up and we went back with the doctor. 

"So you've been having some stomach pains?" He read the sheet and I nodded. 

"I'm just going to do a quick physical exam to see if we can tell what's wrong." He explained and I nodded again. Zayn was standing next to me, holding my hand as I laid on the table. I unzipped my sweatshirt and he lifted my tanktop. 

"Impressive." He flirted and Zayn was pissed. The doctor grazed my lower right side and I gasped, squeezing Zayn's hand. 

"Wow. Your stomach is a bit swollen. I think we should do a CT scan just to rule out appendicitis." He commented. I got one a little later and he rushed in about 10 minutes after I got back to Zayn. 

"You have appendicitis. Your appendix is about to burst, and it will in the next 30 minutes to an hour. You need emergency surgery now." He rushed in, his breathing showing he had ran. 

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