Chapter Eighteen

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"I'm exhausted. I'm sorry, love, but I'm going to bed." Zayn apologized as we walked into our flat.

"Me too. I'm so tired." I yawned.

"Sleep tight, love." He kissed my forehead.

"You too, honey. I love you." I kissed him.

"I love you too." He mumbled.

I woke up to my phone ringing again.

"Hello?" I asked quietly.

"Cat, why're you being so quiet?" Harry laughed.

"Zayn's sleeping and we're cuddling at the moment and I don't want to wake him up. What's up?" I said.

"The houses are done. They got them done early." He smiled.

"Oh my God!" I gasped.

"We're moving in three days." He chuckled and hung up. I rolled over so I was straddling Zayn and started leaving kisses all over his face. He woke up and started laughing.

"What's this about?" He chuckled as I kissed his nose.

"Our house is finished. They finished them early." I kissed right by his mouth.

"Oh my God!" He gasped.

"We're moving in 3 days." I kissed on the other side of his mouth. He pouted his lips a bit to get me to kiss him but I didn't. I kissed his neck and made him moan quite a few times.

"Okay. Go back to sleep." I rolled over next to him and faked being asleep.

"You did not just get me all worked up and then go back to sleep." He groaned.

"It's early. We need sleep." I kissed his neck again.

"Babe." He begged. I faked sleeping just to irritate him and he sighed.

"I'm taking a shower." He got up, practically pushing me off of him and onto the bed. I got up after I heard the shower turn on and went to the bathroom. I was only in my bra and underwear so I opened the curtain.

"Babe, don't." He shook his head.

"You get shower sex maybe once every three months, if that. You really want to turn down an opportunity for morning shower sex and my apology?" I frowned a little.

"Just.. give me a minute." He sighed. I knew he was pissed so I shut the curtain and grabbed my things. I threw my hair up in a bun and got dressed before writing a note.


I'm goin out, not sure when I'll get back


I was kind of pissed he was overreacting that much so I wasn't being all cutesy like we normally were. I went out to the mall and got a few things we needed for the house before dropping them off there. I went and picked up some other things we had already ordered and took them over. He had called me a couple times but I was irritated enough that I didn't answer. I was out nearly all day shopping and making sure everything at our house was ready to go. It was about 6pm before I decided to head home. I stopped and got his favorite food from his favorite restaurant before heading back to our flat.

"I'm home." I yelled as I walked in.

"Why the fuck did you not answer my calls? I was worried fucking sick!" He yelled as he walked out of our room.

"I'm sorry, I left a note at least! I was getting shit ready for our house! Not to mention I was a little irritated by how much you overreacted this morning!" I shouted. We kept yelling and we were both pissed by 8:30.

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