Chapter Twenty One

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*March 14th, 2016*

Zayn and I had decided to talk about kids on our anniversary since we got married so young. 

"When do we want to start trying for kids? If we got pregnant soon you'd be almost 24 when the kid would be born." I asked Zayn at dinner. 

"I think we could any time now but it's up to you." He kissed me. 

"That sounds lovely." I smiled and kissed him. 

"Did you take your birth control this morning?" He asked. 

"Nope. I completely forgot." I took a drink of my wine. I was only having one glass and I was nearly done with it. 

"Why don't we go back to our house and maybe get started?" He whispered as he kissed my neck a bit. 

"Lord, Zayn, you're such a tease." I tried not to moan. 

"I'll talk that as a yes." He laughed and put down some money before we headed back to our house. 

*July 9th, 2016*

"Laur, can you come over? Zayn's at work and I need to talk to someone." I called Lauren. 

"Cay is at work too but I can bring Jake. I'll be over in a few." She nodded and hung up. A few minutes later the doorbell rang and I ran to get it fast. 

"What's up?" She asked as she adjusted Jake on her hip. He was just over 2 years old and as adorable as ever. We sat down and Jake started playing on the floor. 

"I just realized I haven't had my period since a couple weeks before our anniversary." I told her. 

"Oh my God! That's like 3 and a half months!" She gasped. 

"I know. I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant." I explained and she hugged me. 

"I've been having cravings, mood swings, a little morning sickness, and I'm late. It adds up." I nodded. She ran and got me a few tests before quickly getting back. I realized Zayn was about to get home and Lauren hugged me. She said goodbye and they left. I ran and took the tests and just as the timer went off Zayn walked in. 

"Zayn, come here!" I yelled for him. 

"What's wrong?" He looked really worried as he ran in. 

"I- I uh, I'm pregnant." I smiled as I showed him the tests and he hugged me tight. 

"Are you happy?" He asked. 

"Of course. It's just sinking in for me." I kissed him. I called my doctor and she happened to have an opening an hour later. 

"Baby, I know you just got home from work and you probably want to relax so you can stay-" I started. 

"No. You're going to your first ultrasound with our first child. I'm going." He kissed me. We got ready right away and got down there just in time. 

"Okay, Mr. and Mrs. Malik, let's take a look." She smiled. 

"Oh." She looked surprised. Zayn squeezed my hand tight and she noticed how nervous we were. 

"Oh no! Nothing's wrong! I'm just a little surprised you're not showing much at 14 weeks. Congratulations." She told us as she showed us on the tv screen across the room. Zayn looked a little nervous but still extremely happy. 

"Do you want to know the gender? We can probably tell if it's a boy since you're about 14 weeks." She wondered. 

"Do you want to?" Zayn asked me. 

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