Chapter Six

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*August 2nd, 2012*

I hadn't seen Zayn in three months. He had missed my birthday because of tour but we talked for a long time that day on Skype. I had convinced Paul and a couple others to let me come out and see them in LA, especially since Eleanor had gone and seen them in Texas nearly a month prior. The boys went out so we could have the bus together and Zayn did a twitcam as I got off the plane. I quietly got on the bus and put my bag where the boys had told me to before quietly walking up behind Zayn.

"'There's someone behind you'. Guys, I fell for that last time, I'm not falling for it again!" He laughed as he read the tweets. I smiled a little and gave a thumbs up behind him. I motioned for them to keep going but not say it was me and smiled when I saw the tweets pile in even faster.

"Fine, just to get you guys to say something else I'll turn around." He chuckled and turned around.

"Oh my God, Cat!" He gasped and hugged me tight. I gave a thumbs up to the camera behind his back but still hugged him as tight as possible.

"I missed you so much. I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too, sweetheart, but you've still got a twitcam going. And of course I missed you too." I laughed quietly and he nodded.

"Right. Okay, guys, I believe you now. It was totally worth the risk of being embarrassed again." He smiled as he wrapped his arm around me and kissed my temple. We talked to them for a little bit until he signed off. He kissed me hard and I couldn't get enough of it. I had missed him so much.

"I can't believe we haven't kissed for 3 months." He breathed and kissed my neck. I stood up and led him to the bunk with his name on it.

"What-" He started.

"Maybe, I think we've waited long enough." I stood on my tiptoes and whispered in his ear. His eyes widened and he pulled me into the bunk. He pulled my shirt off and I did the same to him.

"Wait, we're taking this slow. I want this to be special." He slowed down and I nodded. He got a lot more romantic with it and I smiled. He kissed down my stomach and undid my jeans before slipping them down. I slid his sweats down and he hugged me.

"I just want one more second to hug you and appreciate the fact that you surprised me." He whispered. I held him too and took advantage of the moment, wishing it would never end because I knew that before I knew it I'd be home again without him.

"Okay, back to fun time." He smiled and kissed me. He undid my bra and we slipped each other's underwear off. It had been about 8pm when I got there and everyone else was walking into the bus as I woke up. Zayn was already awake and I kissed him.

"Go to sleep. It's late." I pecked his lips.

"I love you so much." He mumbled into my hair.

"I love you so much too." I whispered and we were both nearly asleep when the curtain opened.

"Yup, they got busy!" Harry yelled.

"Jesus, Harry!" Zayn gasped and instinctively protected me.

"Harry, we've been dating for 5 months and we hadn't seen each other for 3, and I wasn't able to go see her on her birthday. I think you could've put that together. Now could you please?" Zayn groaned a little.

"Okay, you two. Don't be too loud." He winked and walked away.

"How long are you here?" Zayn kissed my forehead.

"I fly back after your show on Monday." I cuddled into him.

"We have a few days. We're in a hotel after tonight until you leave. We have the weekend off from shows." He mumbled into my hair.

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