Chapter Five

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"I'm sorry, I guess." Caleb mumbled.

"Me too." I nodded. We talked for a while and my phone rang.

"Hey, love, we're done recording for the day." Zayn told me.

"Okay, baby. Are you going back to your place?" I asked.

"Unless you want me down there, yeah." He nodded.

"Could you come down here? My mum and dad sort of stormed out an hour ago and it's just me and my brother." I hesitated a little.

"Which one?" He asked.

"Both technically. Caleb next to me and Casey in the hospital bed across the room." I explained.

"I'll head that way. You can just text me the room number." He said.

"Okay. I'll see you soon." I smiled a little.

"Okay, love. I'll be there in about 5." He smiled and hung up.

"Zayn's coming." I told Caleb.

"You better be nice, got it? I'm the baby and I'm the only daughter so you know damn well Mum and Dad would side with me if you started shit." I added and he groaned.

"Caleb." I warned.

"Fine." He sighed. There was a knock on the door a few minutes later and I opened it.

"Hey, honey." I smiled and kissed him.

"Hey, KitCat." He whispered with a smile and pecked my lips.

"I'm her older brother Caleb." Caleb introduced himself to Zayn.

"I'm Zayn." Zayn shook his hand.

"How old are you, Zayn?" Caleb asked as Zayn and I sat down.

"I turned 19 in January." He told my brother.

"See, I may be about your height, but I've got 2 years on you and our brother over there has 4 on you. You hurt our baby sister, we will kick your ass." Caleb threatened and Zayn nodded.

"I understand. I've got three sisters and I give the same speech to their boyfriends." He nodded and Caleb smiled.

"I approve for now." He whispered and I smiled. I rested my head on Zayn's shoulder and he kissed my forehead. My parents walked in about half an hour later and looked like they had been crying.

"Kids-" My dad started.

"Not right now, her boyfriend is here." My mum whispered. Caleb and I looked at each other, confused, and brushed it off. The doctors came in then looking happy.

"His brain is just fine and we can wake him up from the coma." They smiled. My mum smiled weakly and I noticed her and my dad sitting a little farther apart. I ignored it and we waited for Casey to wake up. When he did the other three rushed over and I held back as Zayn stood up with me.

"Come here, baby sis." Casey held his arms out after the others backed up. I walked over to him and he hugged me tight.

"Who's that?" He asked, referring to Zayn.

"That's her boyfriend Zayn. I gave him the speech, he's cool." Caleb told him and he nodded.

"Wait, didn't you used to have posters of him on your wall?" Casey narrowed his eyes.

"Casey, shush!" I blushed like crazy.

"He's in that band she was obsessed with." Caleb explained.

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