Chapter Twenty Two

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*November 30th, 2016*

I was about 37 weeks and felt absolutely massive. We were laying in bed around midnight cuddling and my stomach tightened up a little. I knew it wasn't just Braxton Hicks and grabbed Zayn's hand. 

"Was that an actual contraction?" He asked and I nodded. 

"I think so." I gulped. They sped up and once they got to about 10 minutes apart we decided to go to the hospital. 

"Hello, Mrs. Malik." My doctor smiled. 

"You have time for an epidural if you'd like one." She told me. 

"Please." I said nearly immediately. It already hurt like hell and I was glad I had the option. It involved them poking a needle into my back and I already hated needles so Zayn sat by me and comforted me the entire time. 

"You're making a real effort to avoid watching it." I laughed as I saw him looking down. 

"I can't watch needles get poked into my own skin, so I'm pretty sure I'd pass out if I watched you getting poked with a needle." He kissed my forehead. 

"You went with me when I got my tattoo last year though." I chuckled. I had gotten my maiden name tattooed on my right wrist to represent my family the year before. 

"First, I barely even watched that. Second, tattoos are completely different. I can watch myself get tattoos fine but seeing you just.. I don't even know." He laughed a little. 

"Okay, Mrs. Malik, you can lay back now." The nurse told me and I did. 

"Oh that is loads better." I realized. My water hadn't even broken yet and Zayn and I talked for a while. 

"We should get matching couple tattoos." I rested my head on his shoulder. He was in my bed with me since I wasn't too close to pushing.

"If you want to we can." He smiled. We had an inside joke about robots (it was a long story and every time we tried to explain it we laughed too hard to finish the story) and he sketched out an adorable little robot. It was the perfect size to go on our wrists and since we usually held hands with my left hand and his right those were the wrists we were going to get them on. Right after we figured all of it out my contractions sped up considerably. He had texted his parents a few hours before when we headed to the hospital so they were nearly there. I was ready to push around 5am and my epidural was slowly wearing off. Of course Zayn wanted to film it and I was against it 100%. 

"Babe, please." He begged. 

"I'll owe you 5 massages or pedicures, you just tell me which you want when you want it and I'll do it for you ASAP." He kissed me. 

"Make it 7 and we have a deal." I held out my hand and he grabbed it. 

"Deal." He pecked my lips. At 5:24am on December 1st, 2016, Tyler Joseph Malik was born, just as Zayn's family arrived outside the room. They let them in around 5:40am when we got him back from getting checked out. I had fixed my hair up and made sure I looked okay too before they walked in. They immediately hugged us and I held Tyler for a while. Around 6 I handed him to Zayn and he got to hold him for the first time. 

"I left a message for the boys and girls earlier but I need to call my brothers and parents." I told Zayn and he agreed. 

"Hey, Laur, you guys should come down to the hospital." I smiled a little. 

"Why's that?" She asked. 

"I had the baby a little while ago." I explained and she gasped. 

"Oh my God! We'll be down soon, you call your parents and I'll tell Mads and Case." She gasped and I agreed. I called my parents and they showed up a little while later. 

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