Chapter Twenty Six

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The next morning I woke up to see Zayn still sleeping. He looked so adorable and I smiled a bit. I cuddled back into him and he kissed my forehead. 

"Morning, love." He said in his sexy morning voice as he pulled me into his side tight. 

"Morning, honey." I whispered. 

"Babe, we should tell my brothers soon. Your family too." I told him. 

"We can tell my parents when they come over to drop Ty off tomorrow. We can have your brothers over today and tell them." He kissed me. 

"I'll text the girls after we get up." I cuddled into him. 

"Sounds good." He mumbled. Neither of us made any move to get up for over half an hour until I had to pee. 

"I'm sorry, love, I don't want to ruin this, but I've really got to pee." I laughed a bit and he did the same. 

"I'll text the girls." He pecked my lips and I got up. 

"Thanks, baby." I kissed him and went to the bathroom. When I walked out he had just locked his phone. 

"They're gonna come over around 3." He gave me a kiss. 

"I'm gonna shower quick, love." I told him and he hugged me. 

"Okay. I'll go make us some breakfast." He whispered. I quickly showered and dried my hair. I threw my hair up in a messy bun and grabbed my glasses. I pulled on a shirt of Zayn's and walked downstairs. 

"Hot damn." He gasped. 

"What?" I laughed a bit. 

"You're wearing the shirt, your hair's up in a messy bun, and you're wearing glasses. The only thing that would make it hotter would be you wearing that special underwear that I love." He hugged me. I didn't answer and he saw me blushing a bit. He raised his eyebrows and moved his hands to the bottom of my shirt. He pulled it up a bit and held back a moan when he saw I was wearing the underwear he was talking about. 

"Sweetheart, do you mind if-" He started sweetly. 

"You don't even have to ask." I kissed him hard. 

"Hey, guys!" I smiled as I carefully hugged my brothers and sisters in law and nieces and nephew. Lauren and Caleb had named their daughter Alexandra Caroline Thompson and she was about 3 months old. 

"So what exactly did you call us all over for?" Caleb asked as we all sat down in our living room. 

"We sort of have an announcement." Zayn explained as he rubbed my back. 

"I'm pregnant." I told them and they all hugged us tight. 

"How far?" Maddie asked. 

"16 weeks." I leaned into Zayn's side. 

"Uh, what do you guys think is the conception date is?" She looked a bit in shock. 

"May 10th. Why?" I got confused. 

"I'm pregnant too. Conception date was May 10th." She blushed. I hugged her tight and the boys were in shock a bit. 

"Yours a boy or girl?" She asked. 

"Another boy. You?" I wondered. 

"Another girl." She laughed a bit. We all sat around talking until we realized it was about 5:30. They left and we had to get ready for dinner. Our reservation was for 7 and the restaurant was an hour away (it was one of our favorites and well worth the drive) so we had half an hour to get ready. I curled my hair faster than I had ever curled my hair before. I threw on a random outfit and it actually looked decent. It was a bright pink shirt and a tight black skirt. Zayn loved when I wore that skirt and was even happier when he saw me. We were about to leave and made sure we grabbed everything. 

"Zayn, have you got your wallet?" I yelled as I walked downstairs. 

"Yes, love!" He chuckled. 


"Yes, love!"


"Yes, love!" 


"Yes, love! I've got everything. Let's go." He laughed. He headed out ahead of me and I ran back to the kitchen to get my phone. I saw Zayn's wallet and phone on the couch and laughed to myself. I grabbed an extra sweatshirt of his and ran out to the car. We got a couple blocks away and he suddenly stopped. 

"Fuck, I forgot my phone and wallet." He cursed and put the car in reverse. I held them up and he was confused for a second. 

"You left them on the couch and I saw them as I walked out." I handed them to him. He kissed me and put the car back into drive. We still kissed for a few minutes but then he kept driving. 

When we got home Zayn went to the bathroom and when he came back out I was looking at Ty's baby book. 

"Whatcha doin, love?" He asked as he sat next to me and kissed my cheek. 

"Missing our baby boy." I flipped through the pages and he wrapped his arm around me. 

"What do we want to name this little guy?" Zayn wondered. 

"Hmm. What sounds good with George Malik." I thought. 

"Jason?" Zayn offered. 

"Jason George Malik?" I smiled. He kissed me and I didn't let it get too heated. 

"If we have any daughters, what would we want to name them?" I asked. 

"I'm not sure. What do you think?" He wondered. 

"I like Jessica and Lauren." I told him. 

"Lauren... Catherine?" He offered. 

"Beautiful." I kissed him. 

"And Jessica... Caroline?" He suggested. 

"Why Catherine though?" I wondered. I didn't really get why he wanted our daughter to have my name for a middle name.

"So she'll always have a part of her gorgeous mother with her." He kissed me. I blushed like crazy and he laughed a little. 

"Sure." I kissed him. 

"So, since you're doing the nursery and won't let me see anything, when will I finally get to see it?" I asked. 

"Considering I haven't even bought the paint yet it might be a little while." He laughed. 

"3 months, tops." He assured me. 

"Fine." I pecked his lips. 

"I love you." He kissed my forehead. 

"I love you too." I hugged him. 

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick." I pecked his lips and got up. I brushed my teeth too and as I opened the bathroom door I hit my toe. 

"Fuck, that hurts." I cursed. 

"Dammit, I chipped my toe. You gave me a pedicure and I went and fucked it up." I frowned. 

"I'll fix it. Don't worry." He smiled and kissed me. He grabbed the nail polish and fixed my toe for me. I kissed him and he hugged me tight. 

"I love you." I hugged him tight. 

"I love you too." He kissed me. 

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