Chapter Three

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"What if they don't like me?" I asked as I rested my head on his shoulder. We were in a cab on the way to his parents' house and I was worried. 

"They're going to love you." He kissed me. 

"Do your parents know you're bringing someone?" I cuddled into his side. 

"I texted them and told them after we booked the tickets." He kissed my forehead. Just then we pulled up to a house as I got a lot more nervous. 

"Relax. They're going to love you." He whispered as he paid the driver. He got out first and helped me out a second later. He grabbed our bags but I made him give me mine so he wasn't carrying both. He rang the doorbell and the door opened almost right away. 

"Zayn!" His mum hugged him. 

"Hello, Mum." He chuckled as he hugged her. 

"And who is this lovely lady?" She smiled as she turned to me. 

"Mum, this is my girlfriend Catherine." Zayn rubbed my back when he saw how nervous I was. 

"Nice to meet you." I smiled. 

"Oh, give me a hug." She laughed and hugged me. 

"Oh, and please call me Cate or Cat. Catherine is too formal and nobody really calls me that anymore." I added and she smiled. 

"Come in, come in. Zayn, you can put your guys' things in your room." She motioned for us to come in. Zayn led me upstairs and set our stuff down in his room. He kissed me and I hugged him. 

"She loves you. My cousins, dad, aunts and uncles, and my sisters are downstairs, and I'm warning you they will all probably hug you." He chuckled and I nodded. 

"You okay?" He kissed my forehead. 

"Yeah I'm okay. I'm just really tired. I kept waking up last night until about 2. I think after we started cuddling I was okay though." I mumbled. 

"We can go to sleep early tonight. Everyone is probably gonna leave around 8 and we'll probably talk to my parents and sisters for a bit but we'll be in bed by 10. I share a bathroom with my sister Waliyha though." He told me and I nodded. 

"Let's get back down there." I kissed him. 

"Wait, let me check my hair." I walked over to his mirror. I fixed a couple pieces that were out of place and fixed my scarf. He kissed me and we headed downstairs to see his family. 

"Dad, sisters, this is my girlfriend, Catherine." Zayn introduced me to his family. 

"This is my dad, Yaser, and my three sisters Doniya, Waliyha, and Safaa." He told me and I nodded. 

"It's nice to meet all of you." I smiled. They made small talk and were extremely nice until we went over and talked to Zayn's cousins. Everyone was gone by 8:30 and Zayn's parents were tired so they went to bed. We talked to his sisters for a while and we all went to bed around 9:15. I went into the shared bathroom and threw my hair up. Waliyha walked in then and started taking off her makeup as I washed my face. I rinsed my face off and dried it before she gasped. 

"You weren't wearing makeup earlier?" She gasped and I shook my head as I blushed. 

"Goodness, you're gorgeous!" Her eyes widened. 

"You are too!" I told her and she shook her head. 

"Not really. I get bullied at school." She looked at the ground.

"Okay, come here." I led her back into her room. 

"Who bullies you?" I asked her. 

"The popular girls a couple grades ahead of me because I'm friends with a popular guy in their grade." She shrugged. 

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