Chapter Nine

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"I want to do something different with my hair." Zayn groaned when we got home.

"Why don't you?" I wondered.

"I don't know what to do." He shrugged.

"You could do a blonde bit in it. And style it a little different." I suggested.

"How so?" He asked. I showed him and he loved it.

"Shit, you're a genius! You know, Lou was thinking about maybe not coming back cause she has Lux now who's just over a year old and you'd be perfect. If you want I can call Paul and ask him." He told me.

"You really think I'd be good at it?" I asked him.

"You'd be amazing." He assured me.

"Okay." I nodded.

"Hey, Paul, it's Zayn. You know how Lou was thinking about not coming back? Well Cat just styled my hair and it looks fucking amazing. I'll send you a picture in a minute, Paul. Also, do you think I could do a little blonde bit in the front?" I heard talking from the other end.

"So we can try it and dye it back if you don't like it?" He asked and I heard a yes.

"Thanks, Paul." Zayn smiled.

"Want me to go get some bleach for your hair?" I laughed a little.

"Please." He pecked my lips.

"I'll be back in a little bit. Put on a shirt you don't care about. Or just go shirtless." I kissed him and got in my car. I got back about 20 minutes later and saw my boyfriend shirtless and on his phone.

"Hello, my love." I smiled as I walked in. He continued staring at his phone and had an angry expression when he looked up.

"What's wrong?" I frowned.

"What's this about?" He handed me his phone. I saw pictures of me from a couple weeks before when I had lunch with Jess's former boyfriend.

"I had lunch with Jess's boyfriend a couple days after the whole Taylor thing. He was missing Jess so I went and had lunch with him while you were recording." I shrugged.

"What's that?" He flipped to a picture of Tom's hand on my back as we walked across the street.

"We had some crazy paps following us and he was worried about me." I explained.

"Zayn, look at me." I put everything on the counter and cupped his face.

"I love you. Tom was upset and I knew how he felt. First of all, now you know how I felt when I saw those pictures of you and Rebecca, but it was even worse because Rebecca is your ex and she kissed you. Second, I would never do anything to hurt you. I love you with all my heart and I would never cheat on you. Cheating is about as low as you can get and I love you so much. I would never do that to you." I assured him. He pulled me onto his lap and held me tight.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled into my hair.

"Let's do your hair, baby." I kissed him.

"Where'd you learn to do this stuff?" He asked.

"My mum. She was a hairdresser for a while and taught me how to do a lot." I told him I started washing his hair.

"Jesus, you're good at this." He moaned as I shampooed his hair.

"Thank you." I laughed and looked down at him. I was just wearing a tanktop and I noticed him looking at my boobs.

"Like the view there, babe?" I chuckled and he blushed.

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