Chapter Twenty Four

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"Shit, sorry, love. I've got to get up and get ready to go to work." Zayn cursed as he got up around 7:30am. 

"Don't worry about it. I've got to get up and get Ty anyway." I yawned. 

"One of these days you are going to sleep in and I will get him in the morning." He muttered as I got up and hugged him. 

"Well obviously not when you have to work like today." I pecked his lips and he rubbed my back.

"I'll get our son and make breakfast quick, you shower and get ready." I kissed him and he nodded. I went into the next room and saw our son getting up and holding onto the bars of the crib. 

"Hi, buddy!" I used my excited mum voice. 

"Mumma!" He got really excited. 

"How bout we go make some breakfast for Daddy?" I picked him up and grabbed his blanket after I changed his diaper. He nodded and we walked downstairs. I started some water for tea and fed Ty quick before making a quick breakfast of eggs and bacon and pancakes for Zayn and I. He walked down around 8:15 and I handed him a plate and cup of tea. 

"You're fucking amazing." He whispered as he hugged me. 

"So are you." I smiled and he kissed me. We all sat down and ate together but then Zayn had to go. 

"I love you." He kissed me. 

"I love you too." I got on my tiptoes and kissed him back. He walked over to Ty and kissed his forehead quick before giving me one long kiss and leaving. 

"Bye, love!" He yelled as he opened the garage door. 

"Bye, honey!" I yelled back. 

"Bye, Dadda!" Ty yelled. 

"Bye, buddy." Zayn laughed and blew me a kiss before walking out. I spent the day with Ty cleaning and we went to the store to get stuff to make Zayn's favorite dinner. We got back around noon and as I put Ty in his chair the doorbell rang. I opened the door and saw some random guy holding flowers. 

"Are you Catherine Malik?" He asked. 

"Yes." I nodded cautiously. 

"These are for you." He handed them to me and walked away. The flowers were pink roses, just like at our wedding since pink roses were my favorite. I read the card as I set the flowers down on the dining room table. 


I'm so sorry I have to work all day especially with what happened last night and I'm gonna bring you something else home but I wanted to surprise you with some pretty flowers(: and of course they're pink roses since you love them(:

I love you(:


I smiled at how sweet my husband was and saw Ty looking at the flowers. He looked at me and pointed to the flowers, which I knew was his way of asking what it was. 

"Those are flowers." I kissed his forehead. 

"Why?" He asked. 

"Cause Daddy sent them to me." I explained. 

"Why?" He asked again.

"Cause Daddy is really nice and wants us to be happy." I told him and he nodded. I texted Zayn quick while I had Ty pick out what he wanted for lunch. 

"Hey, baby(: thanks so much for the flowers, they're absolutely gorgeous. You don't need to bring me anything but yourself(; we didn't get to do what you wanted last night so I thought maybe we could make that up tonight?(;  text me if you have a chance and tell me when you'll be home so I know when to start makin dinner(:" I sent. I got a text a minute later. 

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