Hell Hath No Fury (A/B/O A/U)

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Wanda was Alpha, no doubt, no joke, no question.

The only problem was when people assumed that Pietro was the same.

Because, no Pietro wasn't an Alpha. He was Omega. And that made 15% difference between then.

He responded differently to their handlers, when they figured that out, they tried to use it against them.

What they didn't realize was that in doing so, they where triggering Wanda's Alpha Rage. That was never a good thing to do.

Wanda wasn't just a Telepathic person. She was also, just a bit, psychotic and she wasn't afraid to kill them should they hurt her brother.

Because when someone hurt her brother, then all Hell would break loose and if you where on the receiving end, then you where as good as dead.

As she lay with Pietro on the floor of the room Clarissa Barton had been so kind to loan them until they got their own, she thought of the day's events.

She and Pietro had been recruited by the Avengers to be heroes. They where taking down Ultron so he wouldn't kill the Earth. It was a hard battle and a harder win.

Pietro had been shot three times.

Once in the back. Once in the leg. Once in the shoulder.

He was apparently lucky to be alive. Thanks to the mutation in his body, his cells grew back faster than normal, allowing him to regenerate. He would be fine.

Just tired and sore.

There wasn't even a scar. No evidence that he'd been hurt. That was something Wanda was eternally grateful for.

She never wanted to be reminded of that day. Not ever in a million years.


The next battle after that, they where fighting a terrorist in India. It was just Claire, Pietro, Nathan, and Wanda.

Pietro and Clarissa where on the South side of the building, testing Pietro's ability to avoid being seen by cameras without running so fast he couldn't be seen.

Wanda and Nathan where on the North side, testing Wanda's combat abilities (Clarissa and Nathan had been teaching the twins hand-to-hand both separate and together).

It wasn't supposed to be a high risk mission. Until Pietro's leg got caught in a trap and Clarissa had to get caught in order to pull him out.

Once he was free, he scooped Clarissa up and hoofed it to the front door, kicking in his speed five seconds too late.

They where trapped. Pietro's wound was too extensive for him to get out of there.

Clarissa could've made it, but then Pietro would've been alone, so she pulled one of his arms over her shoulders and gripped his waist tightly with her other arm. They both tried hard to make it, but some how they knew they wouldn't.

So, as the gates clanged shut in front of them and guards swarmed them, Claire snarled and snapped at them, putting up what little fight she could as she protected the fallen speedster.

In the end, it didn't matter what she did, Claire and Pietro where captured.

Claire dreaded to think of what would happen when Wanda found out.

After all, Hell hath no fury like a Maximoff looking after her own.

She'd gone on rampage that day when Pietro had been shot. She killed every single Ultron bot anywhere within 100 ft of her. Her power had swarmed her with a numbed buzzing and flitting thoughts.

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