Pipes (A/B/O A/U, Hybrid A/U)

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Okay, so not only is this a Alpha/Beta/Omega A/U this is also an A/U where there is a specific gene that is activated. It is activated young and very few people have it, it gives you characteristics of animals. Each of the team has one. But no one else at SHIELD does (barring the Avengers).

Phil Coulson: Bear

Melinda May: Panther

Bobbi Morse: Fox

Alphonso MacKenzie: Gorilla

Lincoln Campbell: Lion

Yo-Yo Rodriguez: Gazelle

Lance Hunter: Mongoose

Daisy Johnson: Butterfly

Jemma Simmons: Tiger

Leo Fitz: Wolf


Fitz woke up that morning with the undeniable feeling that something was going to go very wrong, very soon.

He sat up in his bunk and stretched his arms up with a yawn. Looking around, he noticed that Simmons wasn't in the room.

She must have already gone down to the lab. He thought, standing to get dressed, still half asleep.

When he was completely awake, he went to join Simmons down in the lab, mentally noting that Daisy was still asleep as well.

Fitz yawned again, feeling the effects of staying up late taking their toll. It wasn't technically his fault, Simmons had needed his input and by the time they'd gotten finished, it was well past three thirty.

He was paged through their Bond.

Sorry, Fitz, but we're needed upstairs. Simmons's​ voice spiralled around the Bond, filling it with apologetic sympathy. It was going to be a bad one, Fitz could already tell.

Oh, this would be fun.

I'm on my way, Simmons. Fitz replied, changing trajectory from the lab to the upstairs mini bar/briefing room.

Wake Daisy too, won't you? Mack refuses to go down there. Simmons sounded rather upset, and Fitz couldn't blame her. They'd planned to break open their more recent robot today, not go on a mission.

He taped lightly on Daisy's door. With good reason, last time he tried to wake Daisy up, she nearly quaked his spinal cord in half. "Daisy? You need to get up, we have a mission." Fitz called into the room.

There was a sleepy grunt, then a hazy affirmative. The door opened up a crack and Fitz waved.

"A mission?" Daisy asked, blinking in the early light.

"Yes." Fitz replied.

The reply was spoken through a yawn. "Okay, I'll be out in a minute."

Fitz nodded and walked back to the briefing room. He slid up next to Simmons and kissed her cheek in greeting. A simple, casual encounter that wasn't against the regulations.

Simmons hummed and smiled at her Omega briefly, then focused back on Coulson, who was talking with May and Mack.

Daisy came up shortly after with Lincoln, Bobbi, and Hunter following her.

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