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Morgan POV-

Violet and Mohawk (whom I now know as Cheslock) led me to Violet Wolf dormitory, where, upon entry, we found a bunch of freaky ass lookin' emo kids and some more normal looking ones all crouded around a table that had my other bag on it.

My eyes widened in concerned fear that they might have opened it and what they might have seen.

Man, I have lady stuff in there (a gun too, but eh, whatever)! This is starting to feel like that Amanda Bynes movie from way back when... God, I hope I won't have to shove a tampon up my nose... Ugh...

"Hey!" I shouted at them all. The horde of male students whipped around to face me and I scowled at their guilty looks. "Fuck all of you! May the merciful demon of crows smite all you bitch ass punks for lookin into my bag! I can make that happen you know! Don't mess with me hombrés! Don't chu know I'm loco?!" I'm not exactly sure what that meant (or if it was even real Spanish), but the crowd parted to let me get my stuff.

I internally sighed in relief as I realized it hadn't been opened. The section with my underwear was beginning to be unzipped though, but nothing could be seen inside. That would have been hard to explain...

"Oi! Monkey Man!" Cheslock called, placing a rough hand on my shoulder. "Your bed's this way."

I grabbed my bag as he steered me away from the now whispering boys and down a dark hallway.

We reached a door and he stopped suddenly in front of it. Whipping around, he grabbed my bag and ripped it out of my hands. "So, what's in the bag ya don't want nobody to see, huh?" He sneered. I growled and reached for it, but he put his hand to my forehead, stoping me and lifting the bag up high.

"Give it back, fucker!" I growled, trying to jump up and get it. The jerk just laughed and held it higher. "Nope! I wanna see what's inside it now!"

After a few more minutes of this, I sighed and stepped away. "Fine. You wanna see? Then look."

Cheslock raised an eyebrow at my sudden resolve, but shrugged and brought the thing down to his level. His hand gripped the zipper, and that was the moment I leapt.

"GIVE ME THE FUCKING BAG, BITCH!" I scheached as I crashed into him, sending us both flying through the door behind him.

We wrestled around for a while, each trying to get my bag, and moving through rooms after rooms with beds all along the walls in each of them.

Boys from nearly every piece of furniture loomed over us on their beds, watching in amusement and confusion about my and Cheslock's actions.

At one point, the mowhawk jerk managed to stand and hold my bag up above his head. "IT'S MINE!" He shouted triumphantly before turning and running down another hall.

I snarled and ran after him. "NOT IN 125 YEARS, JACKASS!"

I paused for a moment in confusion at my own words.

125 years? Where did that come from?

Cheslock's annoying laugh brought me back to reality and I snarled again, forgetting my thoughts. "WHEN I CATCH YOU, YOU'RE DEAD CHESLOCK!" I shouted, running after him again.

Finally catching up, I sprang at him and forced us to hurl through a door with an ornately carved wolf on it.

"Give it back, bitch!" I growled, wrestling for the bag again. By now, my clothes and hair were a mess, as were my opponent's. His makeup was smudging too.

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