07. King Edgrrr

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"It's all right, you can go," I repeat nervously to the maid in front of me, her eyes focused on my mildly exposed chest, my hands immediately working on buttoning the shirt all the way up to my neck.

"His Majesty insisted we must help you with everything we can," she tells me, a smile spreading over her lips as she bats her eyelashes vigorously, making me believe there is something stuck in her eye.

"If he asks, tell him I ordered you to leave me be, I am more than capable of dressing myself," I curtly reply and when I realise the words might have come out harsh, I add, "but thank you for offering. You may go." A breath of relief is pushed past my lips as she finally curtsies and with a displeased look on her face, leaves me alone in my chambers.

When I finish getting ready, I hear faint shouting from the hallway, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion. I quickly walk towards the doors and open them, nodding at my guards standing in front of my room as they greet me and bow to me, making my way towards the source of the shouts. When I turn around the corner, the sight in front of me leaves me baffled.

Lady Amelia is standing in front of a bent guard, his hands cupping his private area, a pained expression on his reddened face. Her hand is twisting one of his ears while he squeals. "Repeat what I said."

"Women are not toys, they are to be treated with respect," he squeaks.

"And the other part?" She twists his ear again with a calm and collected expression, making him yelp.

"I am a dumb male and I deserve that all of my male parts shrink and fall off- ouch, bitch!"

My guards and I gasp at the same time, my palm pressing over my chest at the sound of such vulgar word, leaning back slightly from shock with my eyes widened. "Oh my."

"Occasionally, yes. Would you let someone treat your mother and daughter that way? Listen to me carefully, if you dare to do it one more time, I will find the pointiest stick I can and stick it right up your- oh, your Highness, good morning!" Lady Amelia cheerfully says as she notices me, giving me a curtsy with a small grin on her face, still not releasing the guard's ear.

He attempts to bow, only ending up squealing in pain. "Y-your Highness."

I walk up to them, looking between them questioningly. "Uh, what is going on here?"

"This gentleman right here touched me inappropriately and got what he deserved. With each knee," she explains. "Arrogant pig."

I inhale sharply, directing my glare at the guard, eyebrows pulling in a deep frown. "Return to your duties immediately."

"Y-yes, your Highness," he says, stumbling backwards as Lady Amelia lets him go, waddling away as fast as he can.

"I highly disapprove such ungentlemanly behaviour towards ladies, you have my word I shall take care of that situation," I tell her. "I hope you are not hurt."

"My knight in shining armour, aw." She beams, fanning herself playfully, making me smile. "And don't you worry, I can handle myself. I grew up surrounded by men."

"Well, that explains a lot," I say teasingly, referring to her tendency to dress as a man when robbing people or her unladylike behaviour. "Follow me, there's breakfast waiting." I tick my head, walking down the hallway as my guards quickly follow behind, Lady Amelia walking beside them. "I must warn you that you shall have to stand in the corner with all the other maids and servants."

"Oh joy, I don't get to eat, but get to watch you two enjoy."

"Do not worry, food will be served for you later," I assure her. "Wouldn't want the cooks to say someone robbed them."

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