Chapter 9

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"Oh god" he whispered as the woosing stopped and was replaced by another set of footsteps. "Robin?" a voice asked. The boy wonder turned around. "Yeah?" he asked.

"You ok?" asked Miss Martian.

"Could be better" he replied realising he was cut in many places from the glass. "Why did you take the commissinor?" asked aqua lad.

"You wouldn't understand" he whispered as he turned to leave. "Robin, what was he doing? The joker" Artmis asked.

"N-Nothing of your concern" he finished.

He was about to leave but Kid Flash added one last thing "Be careful, the police are looking for you, they'll shoot you if they see you" his voice said.

"Yeah, but we had orders to take you to Batman" M'gann said as conner held him and Kid quickly attatched handcuffs to him. "Huh, wait WHAT?!? You can't do this!" he yelled.

"Yes we can" Connor spat. Robin pulled away and ran to the edge of the building,  hands still chained together. "No you can't" he laughed then lept of the building, the others ran over to see him land perfectly then accidently attract the polices attention.

"Oops" he whispered as their guns pointed at him. He then lept up and flipped over, he pushed up with his chained hands and dodged a bullet, he then ducked down and ran at a police car. He lept upon it and dodged a load of bullets before swinging into the car and opening a compartment, he pulled a pen knife from his utility belt and tried to cut his hands free. it worked eventually as it was a strong knife. he then noticed the police were dumb enough to leave the keys in the car. He hadn't yet passed his test yet and only just knew how to make it go, but seeing batman work the bay mobile gave him ideas on how to use it, so he took one last look at the police then turned the car on and moved the gear stick then slammed down the pedal.

The police ran out the way and got into other cars, continuing to shoot at the car. Robin swerved the car and prayed they wouldnt get him. One police officer got lucky and drove beside Robin.

He then fired his gun and caught him in the shoulder. "Agh!" He said in pain as his shoulder began to leak the red liquid.

He then slammed the side of the car into the polices and sped up. there was then a thud from his roof and a fist punched through the roof. Robin frantically swerved the car as trafic sped towards him, he tried to get onto the right side of the road but cars were coming to slow. He cursed silently then the hand began to attempt ripping the roof off. "Hi supey" he smiled then noticed a truck was coming towards him "Bye supey" he smiled then opened the door and lept out hitting his bad arm on the tarmac.

He winced then saw a boy leap off the roof before the car slammed into a truck and exploded. "Oops, if I wasn't in trouble earlier I am now" he laughed as he got up and shakily walked away.

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